Date women from United States / Arizona / Rio Rico, 54 year old

Date someone special from Rio Rico, United States. My friend describes me as a very strong woman, with a lot of pride, will take problems by the horn, and will not let anyone bring me down! Treat me with love and show me love where ever we might be, with no hesitation, will keep me smiling!
I am proud of my children. They are all grown and now on their own. I believe I did a great job!!
I would love a man who is truthful, I hate lies! Please, Be Honest! I do not do well with men who drink excessively!! Big turn off for me!! My man should be able to love me unconditionally, please don't try to change me, will not work! As you can see I am very frank, and straight forward. I speak my mind! In a relationship, my wish is to find that special someone who is done with games, cheating, and drama!! A one woman man!! Is that person really you?? I would do the same to the man that makes my heart beat again!! You will have no regrets!! I am a great catch!! A little extra pounds!! Lets just say, "The more to Love"! I love dancing, a romantic night out for dinner, music, fun, laughter, getting to know each other. Love country music, love 70s, 80s, basically all kinds of music, except, metal, rap, or hard rock. Love visiting places, like Old Tucson, Grand Canyon, just travel where ever that may be. I love being spontaneous!! Lets just go and see where we might end up!! Are you ready!!