Date men from United States / Alaska / Kenai, 52 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. A description in 4000 characters and AT LEAST 200. Let's see, I have a teen aged daughter who is a great athlete and fantastic student. She graduated HS this year and is very active and self reliant.
People say I am outgoing, honest and have a great sense of humor and to be truthful... I have to agree with them! :-)
I enjoy travel, hiking, camping, home projects and motorcycles.
I'm looking for a friend to enjoy all of these with and do some exploring.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. I'm single and curious to see who's out there.
I like just about anything mechanical, love to work on and restore old cars. I swim almost every day, bicycle in the summer months and pretend I know what I'm doing on cross country skis in the winter.

Date a man from Alaska, United States. This is the hard part.
I'm a very loving person that has all but given up on the search.
I love to snow machine, hunt and fish camping is also one of my favorite things to do. My work schedule gives me plenty of time for these things. However, they are not that fun alone. I am ready for a relationship. It would be nice if the woman in my life was was also into these activities