Date women from United States / Alaska / Eagle River, 40 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I want to be happy. I never understood this silly concept as I always thought that there had to be goals attached to this mantra but now I fully understand. Love thyself, thy neighbor, then love will find you. COME ON, I'm READY...... Pick me pick me!
Ok, this is difficult but I'll try to summarize myself:
I like to be adventurous and I'm always the one to call and say, "Hey, let's go!"
I am known for my giggle, some say it should be written on my headstone, morbid but sweet. I love laughing and smiling. I have a great sense of humor about myself and the world in general.
I am a teacher in every respect, especially for myself, but my students are everything. I pride myself on kindness and manners. I believe in treating others as you'd wish to be treated, (yes, I was a girl scout!)
I'm a girl who loves her family and has few but very close friends. I'm shy to meet people but you'd never know it around my circle. I love to host but attending a party is a different story. I feel most comfortable at home, which is weird as I love to get out and see the world but if you saw my view you'd know why home is my heaven. I LOVE to sing and perform but have massive stage fright. Working on it. Was in/with a blues band for 10 years but not in the lead. Boy do I have some stories. I have an enormous family as I was adopted basically at birth and am the oldest of 4 girls. I have met my entire biological family. There's a little sister out there somewhere I'd like to meet. Oh, I really need to write a book.
I am a love bug who has had the fortune to be loved many times but never met someone strong enough to hold me to my morals and challenge me at the same time. I want it all and that is not to much to ask as I have a lot to offer: I am an independent woman who wants a partner to share in the health and wealth and security of a long-lasting relationship. Teamwork, friendship, respect, and communication are musts. I think it's great to act like a kid and be an upstanding adult at the same time! Do you?
I want someone who likes to do similar things and respects my life and choices but also has a life of their own that they'd like to share with me.Teach me new things and I will do the same for you. I am willing to try again, although this journey has been long, I want to find my match. You must laugh, and love, and actually live your life! Please only reply if you are serious about this process.
I am ready.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. Top Ten Things to Know About Me:
10-Always up for a Poker night with friends.
9- P-R-A-N-K-S!
8-Kids crack me up, which inspired me to be an elementary teacher.
7-I'm a Midwest girl at heart who values morals, mutual respect and of course a good time!
6-Believe in working hard and playing hard.
5- One of my favorite things to do is travel and learn about new cultures.
4-I'm a giver, not a taker.
3- I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Uganda, Africa and it is true what they say, you get much more than you give.
2- I come from a great family and they have set the bar high for what kind of family I would like some day.
1- I love Alaska and all the many wonderful outdoor adventures it offers.

Date a woman from Alaska, United States. My closest friends would best describe me as a happy positive person, who has a geniune smile and love to make others laugh as I embarass myself. I am a loyal friends. I am grateful for my family and friends and having a job I really enjoy doing. As for attracting someone: respect, humorous, healthy, compassionate, sefl-confident, resourceful, financially stable, who has a great smile.
My social life is quiet. I am not into bar hopping. I enjoy cooking, trying new resturaunts, and trying new dishes (nut free). Things that make me laugh out loud are good jokes, a wonderful greeting, or I had done something to embarass myself. I am most passionate of living a happy positive life and enjoying life. As for what I am looking for in a relationship respect, loyalty, love, being romance every day, being appreciated, open communication, travel, outdoorsy. Relationships are buidling blocks to a strong foundation for long time commitments.

Meet a soulmate from Eagle River, United States. I strive to be a good person with strong moral values, however i judge no-one and i am far from a saint. home is where my heart is and id like to meet someone i enjoy spending time with, someone I have fun with who makes me smile. Healthy communication is a must as well as honesty and straight forwardness. I like a man who is self aware and assertive and who is not afraid to speak his mind, and who is also capable of listening and at times agreeing to disagree.
Well, I decided to try this more time. I'll just summarize my previous statement by saying I would appreciate meeting a man who is interested in getting to know me first... I am highly proficient in communication, I am skilled in my ability to listen and view anothers perspective ; and in understanding what they mean by looking at their point of view as if it were my point of view. I am easy going, confident, drama free,
Open, honest and beautiful :) I work hard and value everything I have earned. I love the simple things in life. I love hunting , and fishing, skiing, sledding with my kids, camping, and sitting around the fire. I also can hold my own in " high society " settings ie
Dinners, parties, ball room dancing and the like, however in those areas I do love to just get home afterwards because really the peaceful setting of my home is always most appealing! I am a great mother, I am a faithful wife, I am a independent woman and a really good cook. I am new to this on-line dating, I tried it for 30 days a few months ago and was not impressed. I re-subscribed 3 days ago thinking I would check it out for another month then I'm done. So if you would like to talk let's give it a try, send me an e-mail; and sooner than later let's meet over coffee... I do love my coffee:) and it would be nice to meet someone who I can enjoy an intelligent conversation with, perhaps someone that is a perfect match as I am an eternal optimist, as well as.a highly passionate, intence personality! I look forward to hearing from you :)

Date someone special from Eagle River, United States. I am a single divorced woman age 36. In EagleRiver, Alaska. I am 5'3 and weigh 168 lbs, have blue eyes, and lt. brown hair, and I have not wore makeup in almost 18 years. My match would be a man who can except me for me and one who does not play headgames.

Meet a woman from Eagle River, United States. some one who is not afaid to get his hands dirty, and than get down and dirty! Most be a freak! he must love to give as much as he takes, because in every good realtionship there has to be balance. I'm a very fun loveing enrgetic good looking woman! not looking for anything very serious. Just in need of good company!

Date a soulmate from United States. I am new to Alaska. I have just spent the last 6 years living in the following countries: South Korea, Japan and Germany. I have worked very hard to succeed at my profession. And due to some location and job demands it has been difficult to find someone to enjoy life with.
I am always ready to try almost anything once. I do believe that it is the people you are with that makes the activity enjoyable or not.
I am very analytical, logical when it comes to most things. I do say what is on my mind. I care for those around me and help them reach thier goals. I enjoy giving back to the community.
Things I am looking for in that special someone:
-intelligent conversations
-has thier own goals
-challenges me to excel
-enjoys traveling
-understanding when I need my time
someone that I could spend time with and remind me when I revert back to what I know (the job)(it is hard to brake this habit but I am working on it).
big plus if you enjoy a good cup of coffee.