Date women from United States / Alabama / Montgomery, 55 year old - page 2

Date a soulmate from Alabama, United States. All people are unique in their own way and I believe there is love for everyone.
I consider myself to be an attractive woman and I am a very good woman. I am an independent, strong and mature woman.

Meet someone special from Alabama, United States. I have been described as serious and humorous..was class clown in my senior class. Although I think some of that has worn off over the years of reality check points I have been through but NO BITTERNESS. I have just learned how to be grateful for things and enjoy life. I try not to sweat the small stuff now that I have my two children well on their way to success--probably my most proud accomplishment...single parent for almost 20 years! Life has dealt me quite a few blows but I found an inner strength that is within all of us to endure or overcome. I am looking for someone who has a positive outlook on life and wants to relax and take a little of that life in now. I am a true romantic at heart just ask my English Literature instructor! Looking for someone who is ready for a long term relationship and not a player or Ladies man(have seen plenty of those). Someone who knows what they want and means what they say...doesn't send missed signals! My faith is important and I want someone I can share that aspect with as well. We can talk more just e-mail me!

Date a woman from Alabama, United States. I am a short, blond-streaked southern woman who loves to talk, laugh, be around others, loves her family, and wants someone to do things with, go places, and to share times. I like being alone sometimes, but I also like sharing and I really have a big heart. I want someone who will treat me with respect, honor and as though I am the most important person in the world. If I receive this treatment, my mate will receive it two-fold. I am financially independent and I would expect my mate to be also. I want a mate who makes good decisions...about finances, health, safety, etc. Companionship and friendship are a wonderful thing to have with a person even if it does not develope into a relationship...although a relationship would be awesome.

Meet a soulmate from Montgomery, United States. hard working goood loving man. honesty is very important..........want a man will br true and faithful to me....hope my man will enjoy the outdoors and water..... No drunks luiars or thieves.......Hopefully I"ll meet some one to spend my life with and enjoy life with... hope a long term relatioship will develop.want someone like me------easy going AND EASY TO PLEASE.......

Date someone special from Montgomery, United States. i am a financially secure woman w/the desire to meet someone who will appreciate me for who i am, and be willing to go that extra mile WITH me, not just for me. for the most part, i am home on the weekends, as i travel for my job, so i need someone who is independent, but wants that special someone there and appreicates that 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'.give me a chance, and let's see how we can work together....

Meet a woman from Montgomery, United States. I am truefull understranding lovingI do not go out much, i like to enjoy some one company cuddy up watching a good movie or listen to sofe muise or sitting on the poch enjoying the weather. I enjoy spendig time with my children and grandkids. we sit out and barbque a lot. we go out to dinner, we get the board games out and have game night.

Date a soulmate from United States. I am settled in my life and want adult male companionship/cconversation from time to time. Marriage--been there, done that. I require honesty. I love to laugh, especially at myself although people always find me standoffish at first.