Date men from United States / Colorado / Lyons, 55 year old

Date single man from Colorado, United States. Like to make people laugh, explore new places in the mountains, Fixing things around the house, go for walks together and just talk. I like to grill and entertain guests, and yet I like to hold someone safe and warm in my arms next to a river with a campfire stargazing.
I am seeking a female that likes small town life and don't take life forgranted, If you don,t mind me opening doors, walking and holding you,
and give you shoulder & neck rubs, and keep a smile on your face, and like what u hear so far then you are who I'm looking for :)

Meet a man from Colorado, United States. I truly wish for lightning to strike and I find that most beautiful, warm, charming, intellegent, kind lady of my dreams!!! Until that happens I am just going to live my great life and enjoy the search!!
I joklingly say, I dont look real macho on paper, that is I live art, fashion, I dress really well, gardening landscaping, decorating and of course my favorite thing, treasure hunting!! I have several themes but I seek out uniqueness and beauty. I love everything but the color PINK! I love everything nature has to offer. So many people do not take even a moment to stop, take a deep breath and take in the beautiful things that surround us.
I'm living my dream by just opening my "theme galley" here in Lyons and there is not a moment that goes by that I dont mentally shout how blessed I am. Believe me, I like all of us out there in cyber-space have ridden this wild up and down roller coaster ride we call life.
I do not watch or listen to the news. Somehow all the crap that goes on I eventually hear about anyway! I preferr to to creat my own news and create my own world events. I care about others and their feelings, I spend 24/7 with my puppy-girl CHAMP she's a golden retreiver thats now 9 1/2 starting to age somewhat, spends alot of time napping, but I still only have to say "lets go" and shes instantlly up!! We take 2 longs hikes along the river or up the hills daily.
I am a sports guy, dont watch to much on tv because of many other interests, but I played baseball at SDSU, was a tennis instructor, would rather be on a tropical island with perfect waves that anywhere else, casually ride my mountain bike, oh and my ONY negativer, I really cant stand the guy road bikers with their tighty little bike uniforms, I can never resist the urge to yell "GO LANCE GO" as they zip past!!
I love to laugh, I eat to live, not live to eat. I enjoy wine, especially if sharing with a lady. Live music, I listen to music all day long, cant do better that Jimmy Buffit or Jack Johnson and on the girl side, Nora Jones has the sexiest viice and is one of my favorites. I do not need a lady in my life, but oh it would be so nice to have that spark and mutual attraction that makes life so enjoyable and complete. Like Jimmy Buffit sings in one of his songs "Lifes short, call now" Enough said. God luck with your serach ladies!!!!