Date men from United States / Colorado / Las Animas, 55 year old

Date single man from United States. The old life is gone and a new one begins: I was plucked from the world and delivered to God. I did not know what was going on. One day I was the epitome of health, and the next I was bed ridden and in a tribulation of pain and suffering. This provided an unintended isolation and down time. Thankfully, I was greatly rewarded for the 10 year sacrifice. I was delivered into a higher realm. There, I met God face-to-face. A cube, which makes a cross when unfolded, delivered me into another dimension. It is not in space-time. It is known as 3rd Heaven or Paradise among the Western world. There I experienced an intelligence so advanced it is unfathomable and indescribable. My mind was flooded with everything, from how the universe, matter, and reality are created, to how life actually works. Christians call the event, 'entering the Kingdom of God.' All functioning religions strive to achieve this event. I have received Truth directly from Spirit, which is completely different from some formalized religions.
I am honest, humble and loving, loyal, faithful and respectful, gentle, caring and supportive. I have a high level of maturity and understanding. I am a good listener and communicator, and my heart is made of gold. I have an intense curiosity and am knowledgeable and intelligent because of it. I am fearless because I am of Spirit and one of the few who can protect a loved one from beyond the grave. I always tell the truth, never do what I hate, and seek to find the very depth of love. I help the helpless, operate from love and goodness, and have a pure heart. I stand tall for inalienable rights, invest great effort in personal growth, and seek to transform my heart, mind, soul spirit so I can return back to the eternal realm I came from. I am confident but not egocentric or egotistical.
I seek an interdependent relationship that balances weaknesses against strengths, and results in a unity inherently stronger than a separate two. I seek my best friend, life companion and loyal soul mate. The quality of the inner should outweigh the beauty of the outer. Please send a message or wink to get things moving. Women do not seem to advertise their spirituality. Update 7/26/12: I am not renewing. I seek a serious and fearless woman intent on making the higher realm, others need not apply. Time is up! Nearly 300 women have read this profile. Failure is contagious. The grave has no meaning for the dead, Christian or not.Wake up!