Date men from United States / Colorado / Elbert, 40 year old

Date someone special from Elbert, United States. I am a guy with a very big heart. I am loving, compassionate, considerate and generous in nature. I am good at compromising, a good communicator, and very loyal. I'd so look forward to meeting an amazing lady with those same traits. I should mention, I've been "single" for about 9 months now. The "separation" is very much permanent.
I'm a more intelligent and sometimes sarcastic (but not harsh - unless it’s really, really warranted by mean people, LOL) class clown type. I frequently joke around, laugh and have fun. A lot of times, I am the one bringing this to the table. Although I also do take things seriously, I try not to take them too seriously, whenever possible.
I really like romance, just don’t tell my buddies. I don't really dance - although I'd slow dance with the right lady all night long.
Although I am a very down to earth, laid back guy that loves to enjoy some of the finer things in life, I do have a "tough guy" good ole boy side too, along with being very professional when the situation warrants it (business, high end parties, etc...). Kinda the best of both (all) worlds. I am an extremely nice guy - too nice most generally, but when called out will also most definitely stand up for my lady, or for fairness and decency - no issues there.
Even though I played high school ball, lifted a ton of weights, and played most other sports throughout my younger years, I really do not enjoy watching sports, although catching a live game from time to time would be cool if you enjoy it.
While I did not directly come from a small country town, I very much hold all of those morals and values - strong family values, honesty, opening doors, being respectful and considerate, etc. My family, half a generation or so back, were farmers and ranchers. Some close extended family still are.
I was more of a raised in the city - country guy - without the look or accent but with the values, having spent much time around the rest of my family. That being said, I enjoy a small town type family get together or feel more than right at home at higher class, much more elegant and upscale city parties, spending time with associates or friends, although I still remain fairly down to earth, even then.
I listen to most every type of music. When appropriate, I like it LOUD. Everything from Maiden to Bocelli (not much HipHop or Opera), lately it's been mostly Country.
Just to let you know a little bit more about my professional and work life... "part of the total package". When I was younger, I was a cook and a sous chef at nicer more upscale hotels. During my culinary stint, I was also a drummer for a fairly popular "Rush" cover band here in Colorado for about 12 years. In my high school years, I used to like drag racing classic muscle cars (I know a bit about them, although I'm not anywhere near to being a fully qualified mechanic).
Even though I've never done it as a career, I know way too much about construction - framing, plumbing, electrical, all of it – so I can pretty much build a house. To describe myself as "handy" would be a very lacking description.
I have always been very motivated to better and challenge myself. About 15 years ago, I educated myself to become a computer engineer to leave the culinary industry and now I work from home, leading a team of engineers, for a large company. I did this, not by attending a technical school or college, but with a lot of hard work, long nights and a little help getting started from my friends (new one's I'd made along the way, cooking for them, for years - good story). I do this now as a subcontracted consultant for other companies, so I'm a good technology guy to have around.
You’re probably asking, if you are such a great guy, why are you going through a divorce (20 years)? If you'd like, inquire... You'll find out just the type of guy I am.