Date men from United States / Colorado / Woodland Park, 40 year old

Date a soulmate from Woodland Park, United States. Hello. I'm a nice guy looking for a nice girl to spend quality time building loving memories. Pretty aid back, good cook, like horror movies and love my dogs. I like long hair, someone who knows when to be sexy and when to be conservative, an open mind and an interest in current events. Must have a good heart and must be honest. Does this sound like you?

Meet a man from Woodland Park, United States. I'm down to earth and expect the same from anyone else. My friends would describe me as analytical to a fault but a good guy. they would also say i was bull headed, but I just have strong opinions and if you want to change my opinion about something, it has to be convincing enough to change my mind. I like a woman to be happy. there's nothing more sexy than a smile. She has to love children. (and probably my dogs) I don't ask for much, just someone who doesn't have a habit of bringing everybody else around them down. Life is too short not to enjoy every minute.

Date someone special from Woodland Park, United States. Just me. That's me, and I love being me. I was raised on a ranch in Colorado and I have played multiple sports all of my life. I now work with an expanding internet company and also do direct marketing for an elite golf course in South Central Colorado. Just looking for some new friendships and a new relationship possibly.
I love being in the great Colorado outdoors. If it's walking my puppy or just simply sitting on the deck watching the sunrise. It's a beautiful day everyday just being here above the clouds.
Golf is a very large part of my life so if you play, you're already connected to my soul.

Meet single man from Woodland Park, United States. I've just realized I haven't updated my profile in quite some time. I am a pretty modest, simple, laid back guy who REALLY enjoys the beauty and living in Colorado. I moved here back in 2006 from the Mid-West. I am an avid skiier, mountain biker, active hiker and just got into climbing (only indoor but would really like to get outside). I am a part of the VOC (Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado) that helps me travel and camp across this great state of ours doing trail maintainance and park preservation during the summers. It's hard work but its great fun and for a wonderful cause...and it makes me feel good!!! I have done some traveling in my past but haven't done so much lately. One trip I would like to make sometime soon is a great loop, camping, road trip through Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Northern Cali wine country, down the coast stay with friends along the way, over and through AZ, NM and back home. It would be a lot of miles but a great trip to do with someone you enjoy spending time with! Couple more things 'bout myself...I like to make friends laugh, some people may be offended by my unique, kind o' dry, sarcastic humor but I feel those people don't much of a sense o' humor, I'm a good cook, music is a big part of my life, I play accoustic guitar and have a wide range of musical taste and I like going to live shows.
So on to relationship stuff. I respect women, belief in opening doors, the phrase “ladies first”, one guy/one gal, turning off my phone on first dates, picking up the check, driving and not being driven, sending flowers for no reason. I don't know I guess “I'm traditional”. The more I hear from dates and unlike a lot of TOOLS on this site, I'm not married or even dating anyone. I'm just guy who is sincerely looking for someone that I can relate to and who can tolerate me and if we hit it off then GREAT!!! If not, maybe we be activity buddies (biking, hiking, camping, etc. etc.). The type of woman I'm looking for likes to laugh and smile, makes me laugh and smile, can laugh at herself as well as me, likes the outdoors, active, is not materialistic and enjoys being told how pretty she looks today. Well good luck on your search and best regards. Buenas dias!!

Date a soulmate from United States. I am an honest, hard working man who has never been married because I have not found the special one to be with. Not that I ever need/want to be married, but would be nice to have a companion to spend time with, I enjoy everything from the outdoors to a date night downtown going out. I really am attracted to women who are secure with themselves and love being social. I don't ask much of you, just be you and be happy, enjoy yourself and lets have a great time.
My family has lived in this area for 3 generations, we are all very close, they still live close by. I have lots of very close friends in this area, of which we get together and do BBQ's, go fishing, fourwheeling, camping and go out to dinner. I have established a name for myself and my business that I am proud of.
I am seeking a person that can be a friend, a listener, someone who isn't afraid to express their feelings, and has a big heart. We can let nature take it's course from there.

Meet a man from United States. I am very passionate about my relationship with the Lord Jesus, and take my privilege as a single father very seriously. I've been a single father for 1 year and have spent that time allowing God to work in me, and equip me for this next part of my life. I have a strong desire to meet someone who is not only physically beautiful, but who shares this passion with me. I look forward to this opportunity that lies before me to share my life and romance with.
To define someone who is equally yolked to myself I would say this: Loves herself, and cares for herself as a lady. She puts her relationship with God as her first love, loves family, someone who loves passionately and enjoys romance. Race, color, origin...these things are not important as I see beauty in many different aspects of a woman. True beauty to me is seeing the love of God, through the spirit of God, shining through. The idea of meeting someone who is mature and knows what she wants out of life is exciting to me.

Date someone special from United States. To start with my friend's would say I'm very competive,win lose,or draw Ilike too have fun. I choose to make the best day I can for my self, and others around me.I'm looking for someone who would give the shirt off thair back for some one that don't know.I would

Meet single man from United States. As you know from experience it is not an easy thing to write about yourself. I am all those things that I imagine guys usually say about themselves and more. I am a man of quick wit and at times a playful spirit. I tend to have traditional values, but am by no means conservative in my thinking. I get along with most people except those that do not have open minds to ideas that differ from their own. I have a successful career and am a very involved father. The outdoors is where I like to play the most. I like to hunt, ride horses, hike, and shoot. I suppose you could call me a sophisticated country boy.
I am looking for a friendship first. If there is mutual attraction then I am on board for what ever is decided comes next. I tend to be drawn to women who have a strong sense of themselves and what they believe in. A sense of humor is always important. If you are the kind of woman who would spend the day out in the woods and the evening slow dancing by a campfire, you and I may just hit it off.

Date a soulmate from Colorado, United States. Quiet and mild mannered guy until you get to know me. Confidence and a sense of humor are important. .Looking for a amazing woman that still believes in romance.. You never know untill take that chance , so are you ready!