Date men and women from Upland, United States. I am young at heart, a slender person who still works on a part time basis. I would enjoy meeting someone who is also very active and enjoys family. I love the movies (go quite often) and the theater and traveling, when able. I have a passion for dancing, which I used to do quite often. I do try to dance occasionally. I would like to meet a sensitive, caring person who also enjoys the same things.
Meet people from Upland, United States. I have always just wanted someone nice to be with, who is honest, loving and caring, with no dark secrets. I love to travel, including DAY TRIPS. The theater, most classical music, conversation over coffee (or tea), sharing appropriate emotions and affection.
Like eating out, and gourmet restaurants (they serve smaller portions).
Grew up in Pasadena, CA, graduated in 1952, my sport was tennis, and I was interested in modeling (an Adrian Model).
My children are among my best friends, but they are busy with their own families, and we get together as much as possible. They know that I am on, and they say "great," but assure me that they will always be there for me.
My career was Manager of Marketing (from which I'm retired).
I always try to be a good listener, and respect others views, and the sincere wishes and concerns of others.
I NEVER ARGUE... but love honest, thoughtful dialog.
My motto: Life should be ART...
I particularly like to have fun with the person I love! Sensuousness and tenderness a must.
My "Alter Ego" has always been Catherine Duneuve, the French model (nearly my age).
She has more wrinkles then I have... but she
has better HAIR. (Look her up on the web.)
My photos span many years, but most recent was taken at 2009 Family Reunion and my
grandson's wedding in June 2009. Main photo was taken in Tiburon (North S.F.) where it is a lovely place to spend the day. Some photos are taken in Spain.