Date men from United States / Arkansas / Sherwood, 58 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I am a healthy, relatively good-looking professional in the field of advertising. I am energetic, have a wonderful personality and love being self employed. I have raised my two children on my own and now feel it's time for me. I am wanting a lady that is comfortable in jeans to formals, likes walking hand-in-hand by my side, and is serious about a committed, monogamous relationship. My classy lady is someone that is comfortable with herself, emotionally and spiritually, and wants to walk beside me ... not in front of or behind me. She is height/weight proportionate, a wonderful outgoing personality, is mature and responsible, and wants to be loved by a man that has the love to offer. She has the time to put toward a committed relationship, doesn't lie, play games, and wants just ONE man in her life.
I don't want to waste your time or mine if all you want is a flirtacious "something" that lasts a few weeks .. or if you need time to find yourself. I am interested in YOU if you are interested in something becoming serious, and if you are not continually going back to singles sites to keep your stable full. As my headline reads ... I am ready for you, are you ready for me?