Date men from United States / Arkansas / Morrilton, 58 year old

Date someone special from Morrilton, United States. I'm a family man who finds himself in an almost empty nest with my youngest here only part time and the other three kids in or graduated from, college. I love my job as a health care provider, my patients and my alter ego as an aging rock star! I have sang and played in various bands in LR and Morrilton for the last 20 years and am currently working on a recording project in LA with some old friends (really trying hard to impress here). I enjoy playing guitar and writing songs, cooking, playing basketball with my son, golf (occasionally), running (when its over) and gardening. I eat healthy and am on no meds...for anything. I'm not a church going sort, but far from an Atheist. I'm an Esquire kind of guy stuck in a small town that's feeling pretty small lately!
I'm also not used to shopping for a woman, but since the purpose of this is to fine tune the search, here goes: I'm looking for a glass half full, you're only as old as you feel, type of mature woman who can still rock and roll! Someone who falls asleep at night excited about another day. Someone who is looking for more of a partner than a provider. Someone with a sense of style, who likes to dress up, enjoy a fine dinner, bottle of wine and engaging conversation but can chill on the couch in her jeans and hoodie. Someone who has learned from life's lessons without sacrificing her heart (old hearts, like all old parts tend to weaken and harden with time, it seems). Someone who has taken care of herself and still has dreams. Someone who likes to laugh loudly. Someone cool.
I have been in love before and for many years and I still believe that is the highest state of being. I'm looking for a woman who wants to love and be loved because "in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make.

Meet single man from Morrilton, United States. like I said IM funny laid back enjoy being
around people IM glad to be healthy
IM looking for someone that is easy to get along
with . I would she likes the outdoors 4wheeling
camping and maybe some hunting & fishing.
go out to dinner & dancing