Date men from United States / Arkansas / Pine Bluff, 58 year old

Date a soulmate from Pine Bluff, United States. looking for a woman that understands lifes up and downs,down to earth, realistic, fun loving one man woman for life. me im comfortable just staying at home sometimes but i do go to the bars to play music because thats the only places i get paid to pratice my musical passion. i would like to meet someone that i can learn to trust completely take on road trips occasionaly and be my best friend

Meet someone special from Pine Bluff, United States. my friends describe me as being fun to be with. A smile from someone usually makes me smile, I am grateful and blessed with 2 young men as sons who are also my greatest cheerleaders, I come from a great family who support me in my life. I love to play golf and I love horses. I am passionate about serving the Lord and my church family. I hope this site will connect me with a lady of the same values.

Date a man from Pine Bluff, United States. I'm an enthusiastic person. Love to mix and mingle with differant people who can hold a good conversation about anything and everything. Don't like big heads who think they know all, seen all, been all, done all.

Meet single man from Pine Bluff, United States. Sane
laid back
easy going
out going
no kids
non smoker
non drinker
long rides
accepts help

Date a soulmate from United States. Someone fun and has agood heart ,, some one that can leave together going on vacation smiling and laughing and continue through out the week and return just as happy, some one that loves affection given ,shared and recieved. someone that will be my living wal-mart and let me be hers, where you can get everytiing you need and some of the things you might just want, even if it is just gas. (smile)

Meet someone special from United States. I am looking for the ideal lady who wants to enjoy life. She should be real comfortable dressing up as well as wearing jeans. If you are just happy to stay at home and watch TV or play cards with friends.