Date men from United States / Arkansas / Royal, 49 year old

Date a soulmate from Royal, United States. I am curently working and living on a U.S. Army FOB in Mazar E Sharif Afghanistan.... I love the outdoors , Most of all Water! I have been single most of my life, I'v been for the most part a free spirt to go and do as i wish and travel at my own pace.But the single life has gotten old and it's time for me to find the travel companion that has eluded me .Im a nice guy with a great job that lets me travel alot ,and i do. I have traveled France, Gremany, Holand,, Iceland, Belgum and the UAE .And im off to Spain in aug. I love the open road and the open water.i'm not a drunk and i don't hit ladys.If you like boats , bikes, and new places i might be Mr right, You never know who might be there if you dont open the door!