Date men from United States / Arkansas / Redfield, 39 year old

Date single man from Arkansas, United States. Hi I'm John and I have two beautiful girls 14 and 17 whom I keep full-time and obviously is very much my world and where most of my free time is spent. Any one that knows me will tell you that I'm brutally honest to a fault, tastefully sarcastic, extremely laid back, always the life of the party, jack of all trades and still I'm that guy who stops to move turtles out of the road and carries a bag of dog and cat food in my truck in case there's a stray within sight.

I don't play games, I don't see the point in lying and I don't need someone to "complete me"...I'm just fine on my own. What I do want is someone who makes me better, who compliments my strengths and makes up for my weaknesses, who is my equal and best friend.
Deep down I'm a hopeless romantic with an insatiable eagerness to please. It's all about passion. I crave it and I give it but most of all - be armed with an open mind and an appetite for everything!