Date men from United States / Arkansas / Ola, 20 year old

Date single boy from Arkansas, United States. I'm a single 19 year old college freshman at Tech in Russelville, Arkansas, and live in Ola, AR. My family and people who know me would say I'm a kind, sweet, caring person. I listen to what people have to say and avoid judging or criticizing them, cause we all have problems.
I am a gentleman. I believe a girl deserves respect and proper treatment, and I like to make a girl feel comftorable while also trying to please her.I tend to spoil a girl I am with. Beautiful girls with great personalities attract me most. I am loyal and trustworthy. I refuse to cheat or play a girl along. I beleive breaking up is easier than cheating.
I can be quiet at times, but once I get to know people I open up and get comtorable. I am easy going and laid back. I am not a partier and I do not drink. I think there are other ways of having fun. I like bein with friends and always enjoy my family, they mean the most to me, so I am always hangin with my fam.
I want a girl that is beautiful on the inside as well as the outside. A nice, kind, wise and fun kinda girl. I want a girl I can be myself around and have fun with and trust. I do not enjoy being led on, played, or lied to. Also, I want a girl that gives me straight answers instead of trying to confuse me.