Date men from United States / Arkansas / Earle, 20 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. Once again I'm down to earth... easy to talk to..
Most people come to me for help like in relationships or seeking help through life problems. So I'm trust worthy. I'm not messy at all... trying to love life and be happy while I'm here.
Im a Singer song writer and a musician.. has a CD coming out in augast of 2012 that will air all across America... I play guitar keyboard organ bass guitar and drums.. I love doing g what I do...
I'm very strong on what I believe in and that's God.. of God is for us he's more than the world against us... I gotta fallow him.
In all that I'm yet a freak

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. Hey, My name's Cody. According to my friends I'm funny, lame at times, and to smart to be where I currently am in life. I'm 20 years old and I need a break from the heartaches of life's bad relationships. I'm currently a PV2 in the National Guard. #ArmyLife :). In my spare time I play guitar, sing, dance and program android apps( hence the to smart for my own good).