Date men from United States / Arkansas / Mayflower, 48 year old

Date single man from Arkansas, United States. Justcountryeboy looking for the lady when u hold her hand look in her eyes it. Takes your breath makes u nervous. In a crowded room u see only her maybe one day kinda corny huh I like movies dogs my Ford truck fishing hunting well here goes if u looking for Brad Pitt I not him. To rough and tumble tall lanky blue eyed country boy

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. well where do i start?? i'm dissabled liveing alone i would like to meet someone for friendship and or dateing they have to enjoy the out doors and trying new things,going to new places ,traviling and site seeing,myself love to go to new places,try new things,campping swimming boating just bee'n outdoors when its no to hot to enjoy,fishing and hunting used to be my favorit thing to do ( sorry about my spelling not very good at it )now getting on the computor seems to be the thing i do most