Date men and women from United States / Arizona / Scottsdale, 44 year old - page 6

Date a man from Arizona, United States. Hello to you! I am the kind of guy that you can never get enough of.... I am cool, fun, and will always make you feel like you have had the best time ever. I love to laugh and have fun. I care for myself and others. I will go out of my way to put a smile on your face. I am the guy you will write home about...I spend every Wed night and every other weekend with my super cool 12 year old son. I have been single since 2002. So say hello to me, you will be glad you did!

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am considered a very unique individual by those who know me. I have a very sensative personality and I desire lots of affection. I have always been a little on the shy side until I get to know people and then I am very outgoing. I am looking for someone who compliments my personality and interests. I am very loyal, compassionate and honest when it comes to honoring my girl, Its the only way I know how to be. I do not have any children and I feel it is what is missing from my life at this point. I hope to meet someone who loves me for who I am and wants to share in raising a wonderful family and share in that great adventure and responsibility.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. My daughter and doggie(GSD) are my life!
Favorite places, things or imaginary lists...Disney Land, Germany(some day), Japan, Las Vegas, the beach(Laguna), sporting events, hmm what else??
I do get tired of the Disney channel, would prefer watching Rules of Engagement, Two and Half Men, the Cowboys during football season, the D'backs, Coyotes or the Suns.
Things I do..
Open doors
Fix almost anything
Shop for groceries and cook
the Play
Day trips
the movies(love pop corn)
Things I don't do..
The opera and/or ballet( although I'll go to the Nutcracker at Christmas)
Eat outdoors and buffets
Watch scary movies, mostly
Things that I don't get...
Pictures with the friends face scribbled out(creepy)
Pictures with a man (other than your relative) kissing you???
Pictures of your car, house or pets? What are you trying to sell?

Meet men and women from Arizona, United States. I am a successful business executive who has enjoyed a great career and lifestyle. I am an outgoing person with a great sense of humor. I love to joke around but know when to be serious.
I am very active when time permits. I love adventure and excitement and someone that is not afraid to get dirty when having fun. I like to "run with scissors" and am competitive within but not outward towards others.
I like all forms of exercise to stay healthy and fit and would like to meet someone with similar interests.
Interested in meeting new people or the right person who is fun loving, outgoing with a good sense of humor and active lifestyle.
There is alot more interesting stories and descriptive comments I could share but I will save those for conversation.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. I think that my perfect match is out there...somewhere. If you have read my profile and think that's all there is, well, there's a lot more...just ask. Looking for something that will lead to a serious relationship. And, if you read this far, you should really read the "favorite things section" to get closer. If you feel we have a lot in common then it would be great to hear from you. Please, I have learned from the past , serious inquiries only with recent photos.

Meet people from Arizona, United States. My philosophy about life is to work hard and play hard. My career is very demanding and I do enjoy it. I enjoy athletics very much and like to compete in all sports. I also love learning and enjoy academic challenges. I spend a lot of time working with computers. I really love figuring things out and fixing things. For fun I enjoy mountain biking, snow-skiing, golfing, and just about any other sport. I also treasure intimacy. I thrive on one-on-one conversations. I like holding hands and cuddling. I am a very self-disciplined person although I don't take myself too seriously. I think of myself as intelligent, honest, loyal, and sensitive. I am very goal oriented and am an achiever. I never give up and strive to be my best. I respect the opinions of others and am very open minded. I try to put the needs and wishes of the ones I love ahead of my own. I have a tremendous thirst for knowledge and place great importance on education. I believe that the combination of a strong mind and a strong body will guarantee a happy and successful life. I also think of myself as a romantic. I like quiet times alone and enjoy reflection. I think the little things in life are often the most important.I'm looking for a woman who is intelligent, ambitious, and confident; someone who is sure of herself, knows who she is and what she wants. I want to meet a woman who has high standards and is sincere, honest, and loving. I am interested in entering a long term monogamous relationship with a woman that I can share life with and be best friends with.

Date a man from Scottsdale, United States. Where to start... I am an outgoing guy looking to share great times with someone looking for the same. I enjoy travel, dining, dancing, and exploring everything available here and in many different locales... if you are looking for adventure and fun, please let me know...

Meet a soulmate from Scottsdale, United States. My philosophy is, a woman is like an artichoke, it takes time, patience and a little bit of work to get to the heart.
Well, physically speaking I am 5ft 11, 185 lbs with auburn hair and brown eyes. I workout everyday to stay in shape. In general I love the great outdoors. That's my own style of therapy and piece of mind. I'm the type that works hard and plays hard. I'm an explorer at heart and love adventure traveling. I'm planning on going to Europe and Asia soon to learn all about the architecture and cultures. It would be fun to share these experiences with someone special. Personally I would consider myself to be a level headed down earth kinda guy with a great sense of humor. I find I can be just as happy watching a great movie at home or putting on my favorite threads for an adventure out on the town. I also feel very strongly about maintaining my wholesome Midwestern qualities such as humbleness, loyalty, honesty, integrity, respect, as well as a sense of genuineness. I qualify myself as being a motivated self starter with a passion for survival. I'm educated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, I have my real estate license as well as a general contractors license. I own my own residential general contracting/land developing business and enjoy it very much. It brings out my artistic side by designing and building my own homes. I believe dreams can come true. Please allow me to make your dreams come true.
I am looking for someone who has the same high quality standards in life and is true and genuine to themselves as well as others. Someone with good morals, a good sense of humor, respectful, compassionate, honest and good natured with spiritual and emotional warmth. And an adventurous soul is always a plus.
I could go on, however you are simply going to have to respond to my ad to learn more about me. Let your intuition take over! Take a chance. Life's full of them.

Date someone special from Scottsdale, United States. I'm outgoing, down to earth, adventurous, and can be if the situation calls for it, a little on the wild side. I CAN ALSO BE LOYAL TO A FAULT. I'm looking for someone who wants to be loved without giving up on fun. Love should be exciting and doesn't have to get to comfortable. Originally from Texas, I 've been a cowboy my entire life and if it paid better, I'd still be making a living doing it. It doesn't so I make my living in other ways. I'm looking for love, but also fun and adventure. Hope to talk to you soon.

Meet men and women from Scottsdale, United States. Is to get through this section and give me a fair shake.
I have to confess that this has got to be without a doubt the most fascinating sociological tool ever devised. I mean, where else can one find such a large cross-section of available members of the opposite sex for one to wield our sword of acceptance and rejection with such impunity and immediacy if our precise (warped? unrealistic?) standards of beauty are not met?
Anyway, if any of ya'll still in school want to use that as your subject for an upcoming thesis paper or dissertation, be my guest.
Okay, here's the deal. I've been a member for six months. In that time, I've communicated with more flakes than I care to count. The majority of you want to meet a "normal" guy, who is healthy, is employed, is educated, funny and lives life to the fullest. But I think that secretly, ya'll want to meet Brad Pitt and that standard is just too unrealistic. Hell, if I wanted to meet Angelina Jolie, I would have never have signed up here cuz it ain't gonna happen.
To be fair, I know that some of you might have trepidation considering that there are no photos but rest assured that if I have sent you an ice-breaker text, that I will forward you some post haste.
You should know that I am not a "bad boy". You will not find a criminal record of me, I don't (never have) done drugs, and have essentially stayed out trouble. However, considering the dry spell I have been on regarding dates, I am willing to learn to be an A-Hole if that means getting out of the house for at least one meal.
I am very educated and consider myself to be funny and witty. I have a good job that pays well, I work out about 3-6 times a week, am in shape, and have no major personal issues to contend with. I confess that I am no Brad Pitt but am confident that I can hold my own when the standards are realistic. I know how to comport myself like a gentleman but am also very much a guy in the sense that my chronological age betrays the youthful mind, spirit and energy that resides inside my body. I am simply astounded as to why these positives versus my scant negatives remain insufficient to garner a lousy cup of coffee with members of the opposite sex.
Going back to the sociological experiment, I am afraid that ya'll (we) have such an outlandishly inflated view of ourselves and have set the bar so high that we'll never meet "THE ONE".
I for one was hoping to meet the woman of my dreams, to fall crazy in love, sweep you off your feet and take you to Paris but it seems that I could have gone a lot farther with burgers and beers. Which as a Texan, I am totally cool with that but somehow that approach lacks the panache of kisses at the Eiffel Tower. But what do I know considering that I am peddling my wares here?
Vital Facts: My chronological age succumbs to present day evidence of youth to the contrary. Uh, in other words, I look much younger in person. I enjoy a wide variety of activities from attending live sporting events to going to concerts. I also enjoy the occasional trip to Sin City to decompress. I can hold my own in any type of conversation be it a discussion of politics or why Pulp Fiction is such a bad ass movie.
Caveat: To reiterate, I in no way resemble Brad Pitt. If you do not care about that because I've managed to still hold your attention AND you DO resemble Angelina Jolie (or are her slightly homelier version of this point, beggars can't be choosers), you are highly encouraged to send me an e-mail.
Cash prizes will be awarded to especially vibrant and witty entries. Good luck!

Date men and women from United States. I need a man that can make me laugh. One that does not take himself too seriously. I am not looking for NEEDY. I am looking for a man with a strong personality or sense of self. There is a fine line between cocky and confidence. CONFIDENCE is attractive.I prefer a man that has his own life, hobbies ( working out is always nice, come on...who doesn't like muscles!) and convictions. I am in the process of trying to get into law school and love Cross Fit ( I'm a newbie). I tend to be attracted to FUNNY guys or SUPER INTELLIGENT ones ( no, you don't have to be all 3 at once )! You must be OK with a maternal girl. I am high energy and spontaneous. I believe in circling wagons. I am looking for the man that believes it is us against the world. We are a TEAM. I am looking for MY person. The person who I can love for the rest of my life. The minute disrespect or mistrust finds its way into a relationship, I find my way out. I truly believe you can take anything from a person and give it back... with the exception of their TIME. I prefer to spend my time being a good person, loving my children, appreciating my friends and trying to be better than the day before. I know every person I meet, I was meant to learn something from. I have learned some very hard lessons and I have realized, that I alone am responsible for my own happiness. I learned my worth. I know what I bring to the table. I have been blessed and I would feel complete if I had someone to share it with. No games. No jealousy. No worries. Good Luck in your search... And remember, every woman you meet on this site, is someone's daughter, sister, mother..please play nicely.

Meet someone special from United States. When I first move to the USA about 14 tears ago, I was impressed by how caring people were. Even the sale people at the stores asked me "how are you today?". Only later I realized they didn't really want to hear about my bad day at work or my child's grades at school, it was just a way to say "hi"... VERY different than Israel...
I have a 15 year old boy,and 10 year old twins.
I'm on this site to find my friend and lover who's attractive,has a sense of humor, intelligent and honest.