Date single man from Arizona, United States. I'm very outgoing but sometimes just like peace and quiet, I'm not to fast, sometimes I like to take it slow,I'm very spontantous but also like to time and plan things out and be organized,I like to shop for anything as long as you pay. I like fast cars,boats, bikesand women but I'm not a crazy driver,, cruisers are cool too,I enjoy crowded events and also love intimate occasions , I have a good body and take a lot of pride in my health, I like to be spoiled,I like to live by the old rule do what you say and what you do!!!! I'm not jealous unless your an over the top flirt.Kissing is great, romance is what I'm talking about you gotta have it if the moment permits, anyway I could go on but I'm really pretty easy to please just have a good heart and the rest will come!!!
Meet men and women from Arizona, United States. Hello, thanks for reading my profile. With all of the choices available on this site, I appreciate your interest.
I am a fun, honest, loving and passionate man. I am actually 62 years old ( not 58) but I am not interested in dating a woman older than me I haven't been able to change the age at the top of the profile.
I am young in appearance, fit, energy, activity and my lifestyle. I have a young son one half of the time.
I seek a single woman for dating and enjoying all of life's joys and adventures. I am not adverse to a long term/lifetime relationship. I drink, enjoy and collect great wines from around the world. I love to travel, although it is just not fun to travel alone anymore. I enjoy working out and climbing Pinnacle Peak.
My match is honest, pretty, loyal, youthful, slim/slender, with integrity and class. She can easily communicate and is blessed with brains.(It sounds like a lot, but I know that you do exist). Hey, I am like everyone else. I am looking for great chemistry, but I have learned all too well that if you only seek superficial or material aspects of a person; like physical beauty, that may be all that you receive. I need a woman with a real heart. She understands that money is great but it is not the sole ladder to joy or Nirvana. She also loves children although she may not have any of her own. I am very passionate about my life and living it fully, and I will never stand in the way of the woman that I love doing the same. I do not need to own her. I want to be a gift in her life, and for her to be the same in mine. I play a little golf, enjoy spectator sports, foreign travel, fine dining, great wines, music, charitable work, movies and theatre. It would be great if she shared these interests.
Date people from Arizona, United States. I am seeking someone to share laughter, intellectual banter and comfortable silence. My ideal match has energy, is open minded, liberal in thought and eager to explore everything. My match should be physically fit with energy.
An �excellent relationship’ is difficult to describe, but you recognize it when you see it....I am seeking this excellent relationship. One that is emotionally accessible. I seek �uniqueness’ in a relationship. First, the mandatory cliches; chemistry which is based on emotions but also intellectual…both are necessary. And yes, communication is a close second. Communication grounds relationships of friendship and romance. I like conversational banter and serious discussion of events occurring in the world. I can be serious and at the same time laugh about the subject. I refuse to end a conversation with anger.
Implied in the statement of 'comfortable silence' is my desire to have trust, understanding, connection, that is is simply present. What i would give is a gentleman's honor, humility, an honest laugh and a childs innoscence. It is without facades or games. I seek one that I cannot wait to connect with after work...relaxing, talking or looking into their eyes.
I am very lucky professionally as I have worked, seen, experienced more in my life than many. I have traveled and designed buildings ( architect) in 9 countries. I am still passionate of work...will work until I am not excited!
I seek beauty and brains…unique beauty, and a special intellect. Thinness is definitely a part of chemistry for me. I am a vegetarian (for the most part) and thin. Curvy and thin is fine also! I believe in eating and living healthy. I go to a health club 3 or 4 times a week. I like 'fashion', women who care about appearance, the theater, opera...not Shakespeare.
I work in a creative profession which is not a 9 to 5 job. I am an independent person with a lot on my plate. My work is grounded in creativity balanced with the responsibility of management, so left and right brain. I look at life with creativity and see human interaction, attire and social behavior with humor.
In terms of the relationship I seek , I am looking with discrimination for the right woman, seeking a committed relationship. Open to marriage if it seems appropriate. PLEASE NO WINKS, if there is interest, please send a note.
Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. A former corporate gladiator, my smile is most easily found with the wind whizzing past me as I take to the slopes, my bike, scuba diving, working out, or in the hopeful faces of the animals at the rescue shelter that I give my time to. I guess you could say that I like a good challenge whether that means sports, renovating homes, developing our firms commercial real estate holdings, or finding a new way to better myself through experiences, but I am laid back enough that I realize that you have to enjoy every second that you have. I love real estate development and enjoy seeing the end result of a project that I have developed and built.
The woman I'm hoping to meet has a laid back attitude but is active and athletic enough to keep up and maybe even give me a run for my money. That kind of balance along with the positive energy that she surrounds herself with will supply us with endless laughs, adventures, and opportunities to broaden our horizons. Our personalities will compliment each other in a way that makes every pothole a little smoother and every black diamond a little sweeter. If this sounds like you, then we should meet.
Date a man from Arizona, United States. Multi-faceted. I can fit in anywhere. I can be quiet or get rowdy (but only in a fun way)! I have seen Phantom of the Opera five times.
I have a bachelor's degree in finance and Master's Degree in Business.
My grandfather was a Master plumber and Master carpenter; I learned a lot from him. I took two years of auto mechanics in high school and worked in a garage during high school and college. I also worked on a farm during Jr. High, High school, and again during college. I can do taxes, manage finances, or repair the house and car! I'm financially secure but don't spend recklessly. My friends call me McGyver because I can do so many diverse things and because of my life experience's. Also, I served in the U.S. Marines, JAG (Judge Advocate General).
People have told me that after working with me they seek my advice, find me caring, come to love me, and trust me to be objective and fair (I have many written testimonial's). My employee's endearingly refer to me as: Sir Edward; because they can depend on me for leadership and to do the right thing. I'm a good listener and will offer advice, or keep my mouth shut if that's what you want (take caution though; if you ask what I think, I'm going to tell you.)
BTW: I'VE BEEN TOLD I'M A GREAT KISSER! I believe you should be kissed often, and well! What I lack in height I make up for in character! I can protect what is mine and what I love. You won't find a wanted poster in the Post office; but I have an interesting (onery boy) past. Just enough to be interesting nothing neferious in this country I'm wanted for.
I can appear very serious at first but can relax very quickly once I get past the initial meet and greet; it's because I am focused, take action once I set out to do something. After people get to know me they say I'm funny and make them laugh a lot; and they never expected that from their first impression.
A female friend wrote "You are a wonderful man, with so much to offer a woman and a relationship." "I like to listen to you talk; I could listen to you talk all night". I was married for twenty years. I am looking for someone who wants to learn new things, who is interested in learning from past events. I am looking for someone I can trust. I AM INTERESTED IN FINDING A PERMANENT PARTNER for marriage; not just dating around! Someone who is a partner; will bring their strengths to a relationship and recognize mine and how together we both benefit.
I don't like game playing, insults, or power struggles.
Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I'm a down to earth, real, fun-loving, non-judgemental, casual to formal (prefer casual), 21 till I die, active, one woman type guy that carries no 'baggage', (Don't believe in it)! Whew!!! (Now say that fast 3 times)! Been told I'm masculin but have a sensitive caring side as long as I get my way! :-). I even play jacks with my granddaughters, (the little one cheats) and chasing my grandson till he falls down laughing! (he cracks me up). I absolutely love kids! My daughters and grandkids say I'm silly! (what do kids know?) I respect the old and tease the young! The sweetness of life is time spent with my 'lady' and family! Positive by nature, I have little patience for selfish, negative, mean people! I've never had a drinking problem, just don't need it or like it (I'm high on life)! I have three beautiful degreed professional daughters (who love their Daddy)! I absolutely love children!
I'm creating a country lifestyle in the North Idaho area (4 seasons, pines, lakes and fresh air) and plan on splitting my time between here and there. I'd love to share that whole experience with the right 'lady'! Also, I prefer to go slow and allow a friendship to develope naturally!
What am I looking for? Down to earth, no drama, feminin, upbeat, loves family, professional "LADY", ready for the journey to 'real happiness'! If you're not interested, no need to respond.
A few deal breakers: If you own a majical broom, your mirror talks to you, you have a pair of small glass slippers that belong to your step sister, your passion is stealing dalmation puppies or glaring from across the room because I forgot to do something!! Ha! Love hard, laugh hard, kiss gently!!
Date single man from United States. I"m very honest and looking for the same in a partner. I have a great job that allows me time off to travel, which has mostly been to see family, lately. I love to scuba dive, but after a spurt when I first started at age 50, haven't dived much the last few years. Finding a diver would be a plus, but would love to find someone who's at least somewhat adventurous, would like to travel and see/do new things. For example, I'm excited about my first motorcycle. I work out regularly and eat healthy and I'm looking for a partner with a similar healthy, active approach to life.
Just back from Kauai where I enjoyed kayaking for the first time and also dived, zip lined, and attempted surfing. Past scuba trips have taken me to Fiji, Palau, Yap, Mexico, Honduras, and Bonaire, and a pleasure trip to England rounds out my international travel. So much more to see. I want to be near the ocean on a regular basis. I'm looking forward to retiring in 2-5 years and Plan A is to either move to or spend lots of time in Hawai'i and Oregon, where I have family. Of course, finding a partner in life would determine whether my Plan A or our Plan A is implemented.
Like everyone, I like to be entertained, especially live. So concerts, theatre, restaurants, movies, travel, museums, just about everything is in play. I prefer old and new rock and the blues, but can listen to jazz and classical music. Same old is fun, new even more so, especially with the right person. I love animals and would have a dog except I have no one in town to care for a pet when I'm out of town, and dislike kennels - seems too much like jail. I'm not a serial dater, I don't contact too many on here, and only if we apparently have a lot in common and I think we could be a good match for a LTR, so if your profile is bare... My partner will enjoy being active outdoors, whether it's diving, kayaking, hiking, activities you enjoy that I can learn, or new ones for us both.
Really shouldn't have to say this, but deceit has no place in a relationship.
Meet men and women from United States. It just seems to have gone out of style. I don’t need a damsel in distress, but I am a little old school. I love to do the little things like opening doors, bringing flowers for no reason, calling to leave a message, all just to let you know that I am thinking of you.
Someone who can see who I really am and not want to change me but willing to introduce me to new things to make me a better person. Someone who likes touching and being touched. I guess the word to use to describe the person I am looking for is someone with passion. Someone, when she smiles at me, it starts with her eyes and goes on from there. You know, we have all had that feeling, when that person looks at you from across the crowded room and you both feel there is nothing that needs to be said. When you hold hands it feels erotic. That's what I want for the rest of my life!!
Date people from United States. Once upon a time in the far off kingdom of Ealing, just slightly to the west of London but not too far from Buckingham Palace, there lived a young man. Well, he's a bit older now and lives in Scottsdale, Arizona, not too far from London Bridge.
Firstly, a selection of important bits: Integrity is a very precious commodity. Certainly more valuable than gold or platinum, with a sparkle that outshines even The Koh-I-Noor. Now, no one's perfect, but I'm sure you get the general idea. Compatibility, personality, chemistry, passion and compassion, not necessarily in that order, generally make for a good start to just about any new relationship. Of course, a sparkle in your eye and a killer smile would amount to the proverbial icing on the cake, and who doesn't like cake? I should also mention that you have to L-O-V-E animals and music, too. I'm English, so is there really any need to ask if I have a sense of humour?
Just for the record, I was brought up to be a gentleman, to always say the magic words "please" and "thank you", open doors, and to always offer my seat to a lady. I do not smoke, have no piercings or tattoos, rarely drink but enjoy a glass of white wine or port once in a great while, have no history of substance abuse or mental illness, and, I am not a felon. I prefer room service to camping, do not frequent bars, I dislike Manchester United Football Club, don't fish, shoot guns, hunt, or ride a motorcycle, although I'm sure firing a gun might be fun. Other than that I'm perfectly normal...most of the time, I think?
I possess quite a charming personality. Not overbearing or overwhelming, but sufficient to make those I'm with feel relaxed and comfortable. I'm a romantic and firmly believe in roses, chocolates, and various other little and perhaps larger surprises. If you enjoy wearing lingerie, that would be a plus :) Oh yes...I should also mention that I give excellent massages. I have been told that I have "the gift". I'm not exactly sure where or how I acquired "the gift", but I'm pleased to have it and share it. I can also show you how to brew a perfect pot of tea, a talent sadly lacking in these here parts.
In addition to being a regular working stiff, I'm also a musician and have been playing piano since I was a lad. Music is my passion, and these days you'll find me playing solo piano in some very, very nice venues .Being an entertainer is brilliant, and nothing touches me more than hearing "I can tell you play with your heart", Typically I get requests for a lot of Beatles, Eagles, Billy, Elton, along with a healthy mix of Journey, Mr. Clapton, etc. Additionally, I have discovered the music of Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin lends itself very nicely to the piano. The perfect piano is worth anything to me... Life is short. Just got a Yamaha N2! Say no more, a nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat.
I love to travel and have visited much of Europe, Scandinavia, The Middle East, and have driven across the United States twice. These days I travel mainly to London to see family and friends. I’ve never been to Hawaii so I’m sure I’d like to go there someday, and I’m pretty sure I would like to skydive at least once. Anyway, if you like fish n chips, steak and kidney pie, Chelsea Football Club, and enjoy a healthy dislike of Manchester United Football Club, then I'm sure we'll get along just fine.
If you managed to get through this introduction, CONGRATULATIONS! It probably means we should have a chat. I should mention that my typing skills are very limited, so I'm more in favour of telephone calls and/or meeting as opposed to endless emails. May I inquire as to the name of your favorite restaurant?
Meet a soulmate from United States. I like the company of smart, sexy, confident women. I am recently divorced, and want to have new experiences with new people who share a sense of adventure and can be spontaneous.
I love language and am fluent in English and French. I lived in Paris for nearly 10 years, and consider it a second home, though i've not been back for some time now.
I have a tendency to go off on random tangents. My sense of humor is well-honed and I love to laugh. Here are two random examples:
I had traveled to Russia with a group, and we had been invited to see "The Snow Queen" performed by the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow. When it was over, a woman asked me what I thought, and I said, "It left me a bit cold." Recently another acquaintance asked me if I had seen the movie "The Secret," and I resonded that I couldn't tell her. Dumb, right? The problem, for me, is that neither one of them got that I was joking.
I've lived in Arizona for over 20 years, because I was married with children. That's the ONLY reason. I haved lived in Denver, Washington DC (14 years) and Connecticut, and have done extensive traveling. Not enough though! I need and want to see more, learn more, experience different cultures. I have the idea that I will be spending significant time in Africa soon, but the how and the where are not yet formed.
My father was a public servant who represented Colorado in the US House and Senate, and served as a US ambassador before his untimely death. I am not saying any of this to build myself up (it wasn't me, after all.) i'm saying it to indicate that I have had experiences and met people from all walks of life and am comfortable in almost any situation. The only time in my life I can recall being absolutely buffaloed was at a freind's wedding - my dinner partner was Jackie Kennedy Onassis, and I had absolutely NO idea what to call her, much less what to say to her. So I did the worst possible thing and ignored her.
Currently I am in management for a national nonprofit, supporting the Boards of Directors at our various locations west of the Mississippi. (LOVE spelling that word!) I am also health conscious, and not wealthy enough to sit and eat bonbons in my spare time, so I am also an associate with a health and wellness company called Isagenix.
I've been married twice - the last time for nearly 23 years. I have 3 beautiful daughters, and even two youg grandchildren, so that's enough for me. Not thinking that marriage is really my ideal lifestyle choice...
I'd like to go to plays and dance performances and concerts and sporting events, but it's so much more fun with a friend, a companion, a lover, Day trips or even orvernights into the mountains for adventures - white water rafting - what fun!
Care to join me?
By the way, I'll have pictures up soon - the only ones I have now show ne at the weight I used to be, which has changed significantly since I began with Isagenix. And, I don't look, or act, anything like my age, so no worries there. There's a line in a John Prine song that was made famous by Bonnie Raitt called "Angel from Montgomery," in which he descries his "old man" as "another child who's grown old." Bingo!
Date a man from United States. I am an attorney--accomplished in my professional life and at my best in a crisis. I am loyal, dependable, believe strongly in integrity. I am athletic--play tennis three times a week and golf twice a month and in excellent shape. I am smart and witty, comfortable in black tie or blue jeans and I am seeking a soul mate who is slender/athletic, smart, accomplished and well read. Being well traveled is also a plus (I have a passport and I'm not afraid to use it). Basically, I am seeking someone with whom I feel chemistry and whose company I enjoy (and vice versa). I am admittedly picky but always optimistic. I have been divorced for 12 years and I have elected to venture into this forum as an alternative to bars, etc. Please note that I will not respond without a photo or photos. A tennis player is also a major plus!
Meet someone special from United States. I grew up in the midwest and moved to Arizona in 1974 and since then have traveled for pleasure or work to 48 of the 50 states. I'm on this site to meet new people and expand my friend base. Like many others, I'm interested in a relationship down the road with someone I can talk with, walk with and be with. I have two teenaged daughters and if you have children, we will have that in common. While you see a chance take it...