Date women from United States / Arizona / Peoria, 26 year old

Date single girl from United States. First and foremost I am a Christian woman looking only for a Christian man. Jesus is #1 in my life and everything else follows. The man I want to meet goes to church every week and perhaps is involved in his church as well.
As for a little about me, I would describe my personality as bubbly. Some people say I'm a goof and sometimes that's by choice but sometimes it's just because I don't think of what I say until I say it. It can be funny though, and what the heck life is too short to be so serious all the time. I can also be a little shy, especially when first meeting someone. Luckily, the awkward shyness wears off with time.
Hobbies and interests of mine include: working out to stay fit and healthy, the vampire trend of today (shows, books, and movies ), Sushi, and I love going to the movies.
I am currently in nursing school and finished my first year in May 2012. I have 3 semesters left, so a little bit of schooling left ahead of me. I need a partner that will be patient, supportive and understanding of the time I do and don't have because of my dedication to finish school. I know that it may be difficult but - With God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26
I'm also quite tall (5'10), so it would be nice to meet someone that's tall too because when i put on heels I am a giant :). Although height and a few other things are important qualities I'd like in my partner, the most important thing is that he's a Christian man strong in his faith.
God bless.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I'm a 2nd generation valley-native and love AZ. My biggest priorities have always been my work, my home and whoever I may have the pleasure of calling my man. I'm VERY responsible, respectful and sweet-tempered. In my down-time, my favorite things to do are read, ride (horses), see/watch movies and enjoy good food, beers, whiskies and wines. When time allows, I like to camp, fish and go on day-trips or take weekends away. There's much more that I would like to get into, but these are those that have remained constant throughout the years. (Note: I would LOVE to learn to dance!) I enjoy having fun and being around friends, but I'm definitely an introvert. (If you think that means anti-social or something similar, please, look it up.) I've never really done the bar/club scene and am not the type to get my nails done every week or carry a $300 purse (definitely a no-frills kind of girl), though I can appreciate everything in moderation.
My divorce won't be finalized until August (may as well tell you now), but my head is not in the past. I'm looking for someone honest and loyal, someone who shows respect to everyone until they've done something to lose it and isn't above earning a living off the sweat of his brow if he needs to. If we become serious, I want to see you at least once a week, so if your career takes you away often, please pass me by. I also want to feel cherished, but that does NOT mean I want someone who is always at my beck and call or to be showered with gifts or flattery. I'm attracted to someone who is taller than I, uses good grammar and, if you wear boots and drive a truck, give yourself an extra 20 points and email me ASAP.
Anything else? Ask and I'll probably tell.
: )
- I do most of my non-face-to-face communicating while driving (shhh! Don't tell!)
- I overuse ellipses (...) and think they're an under-valued tool for written communication
- Google has always been the only search engine for me ;)
- Travis Tritt's 'Modern Day Bonnie and Clyde' is always going to lift my mood and will never be turned down/off if I'm around
- I will probably never refuse an offer of Stone's Smoked Porter
- I crave more intellectual conversation than I'm regularly involved in, be it controversial, insightful and/or theological
- I have absolutely NO tolerance for racism. If you ever want to see me 'come out of my shell' around strangers, a racist remark will do it. (That does not include well-timed and audience-appropriate jokes - I do have a sense of humor!)
- Random women tend to call me a Sarah Palin/Tina Fey look-alike when I wear my glasses... Do you see it? (I'm not sure that I do!)

Date a girl from United States. I am an extremely passionate person. I put most people before myself and I genuinely care about people. You;ll have to meet me to experience that. I love life and experiencing new things just would like someone to do it with :-) I need a little spontaneity to my otherwise planned life.
I never thought I would do this online dating thing, but I have tried other sites and well…here I am. I believe the secret to online dating is the fact that you eventually have to meet people *What a concept*. I am currently a teacher in the west valley and absolutely love it! My "kids" are the highlight of my day! I pretty much always have a smile on my face, takes a lot to break that! I'm pretty laid back kind of girl. I am outgoing, although sometimes slow to warm up in new situations. I love time spent with family and friends. They are the most important people in my life. I do think about the small things and care a lot about others - this hasn't seemed to workout too well for me, but I can't change who I am.
I’m looking forward to meeting someone that I share similar values with and can hold a conversation with. Someone who is physically fit – I’m not saying body builder – but someone who works out regularly. I am looking forward to meeting someone who will motivate and support me, as I will do the same. Someone who likes to go out as well as stay in. My perfect match would be someone who is fit and lives a healthy lifestyle. Someone who is intelligent, kind hearted and a gentleman. Someone who loves kids. I want someone who doesn't need me, but wants me. If you like baseball games and country music...bonus!
If you've made it this far - email me :-)

Meet someone special from United States. My friends will tell you I love to make people laugh and smile in any way I can. I hear I am a pretty good story teller. I am passionate about whatever I set my mind to. I have strong work ethic. My job may not be super top notch but Im good at it. I love my new relationship with God. I attend CCV every week and volunteer my time there as well. I like to workout and stay healthy. It's a pretty big part of my life these days. I play on a co-ed softball league, like to wakeboard, and hike, etc. People always tell me they are amazed Im so active bc I seem like such a girly girl. I can't decide if that's a compliment or Ive always enjoyed sports bc I grew up playing them but I have recently become a real fan of following certain teams and have gotten more into them recently
I like have lunch with girlfriends or happy hours and I go out occasionally but am kind of over that stage in my life. Hangovers never made anyone super productive....and Im a busy girl. Of course, I like to be lazy and catch up on my trashy reality shows once in a while.
I am looking for a guy that is mature and knows the direction he is going in life. Preferably, a Christian man strong in his faith, values and morals. But of course, just someone who is open to the idea is a good start. Just sick of hearing horror stories of all the awful relationships out there. I need someone to prove to me they arent all the same, who can make me laugh and who is down to have a good time. I really just want to find someone family oriented who wants to be my best friend. I'm sick of dating immature guys who think its cool to have attention from 100 chick friends that "want them so bad." get over it.

Date single girl from Peoria, United States. I am pretty fun to hang out with but slightly socially awkward if around a room full of people I don't know. Love to watch movies and read books along with going out to new places. Traveling is my passion so that would be nice to meet someone who likes to go to new/old places and just take adventures.

Meet a soulmate from Peoria, United States. Here we go...
Typing out who you are and what you want is no easy task. I am a very passioante person looking for a P.I.C.! I know I am young to be divorced but I look at it as a life lesson, and feel I was strong enough to end an unhealthy lifestyle before it ruined the person I am/trying to become. I am an up for anything kind of girl, straight up down to earth and minimal maintenance. I love watching sports, especially live games, my parents had three girls so with mom it was dolls and dress up, but with dad the fun began. Shooting, mud pies and sword fights with the plastic samurai swords we hid from mom under the couch!
I am considered to be quick witted and dry. "sarcasm, because beating the $h!T out of people is illegal". I am thick skinned and will brush all the bologna off. What I most enjoy about my close friends is that we are not compelled to be nice to each other. Now I know that sounds bad, but it's actually pretty perfect. You always know where you stand and we're not afraid of it. I guess my piece of advice is that if you don't cry after hanging out with us then you're on the road to success! Now again I just didn't really help pleading my 'nice person' case. It's just that life is already crammed packed with all the phony bologna I can handle and I kinda like to cut through the crap. Why tip toe around things that will only drive you crazy later of just snowball into a clusterfuck?
... I just recently went to Japan for 3 weeks to visit my friend who teaches there! . I love karaoking in the car on road trips. Who doesn't like to drive to san diego or up north with good company and great music?! I have a very tiny family but am very close with them, they are who I live for.
I find that I am learning more about what I want for my life each day that passes. I have my emt, but unfortunately there wasn't much hiring going on down here. So I went back to medical administration. It isn't a dream job, but isn't bad. I work with great people and learn practically everyday . I also bartend part time at a local dive that I love. I get to meet 'interesting' people all night and get paid for it!
I don't want to go on forever (too late!) I just want a companion to be adventurous with. Mini trips, movie partner, quiet night in, night out @ a local dive. If any of this floats your boat don't be shy!

Date a girl from Peoria, United States. I am a fun loving girl who was told about this site by a few friends. Thought I would check it out and see what it has to offer. I've never really tried the online dating websites, so I'm a little new to this scene.

Meet someone special from Peoria, United States. Cold pizza for breakfast is delicious, coffee is definitely a must, and really...why can't jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers be the dress code for everything?
My name is Julie. I enjoy relaxing at home with my dog, watching movies, reading, and getting out and about spending time with friends and family. (I'm definitely a Mama's girl). I'm very independent; if I can do it myself I will, but I'm not afraid to ask for help when I need it. (The important stuff...I have a job, a car, and I do not live at home with my parents). I work in accounting; I enjoy my job, except for sitting at a desk all day, that part kinda stinks. I'm a native of Arizona, and though I have lived here all my life, I'm sure there's a lot I've missed, but I'm easy going, and up for just about anything. I can be a bit shy at times, and I'm not too sure if this about me section will really do me justice, but I'm a nice girl, who likes me for me. I'm not a health freak, I do not have a gym membership, and I'm not afraid to eat past what ever the time is they say you shouldn't. Now that being said...this doesn't mean I dislike doing anything active...I do. I just know I might die if I tried to run a marathon tomorrow. I care a lot about my friends and family; so for me, it doesn't matter what time it is, or where you are, I'll be there if you need me. I would like to find my best friend; someone that makes me laugh, someone to challenge me, but is still a romantic at heart. Someone that likes me for all the good and the bad (I've been known to clean at midnight). :) I know you aren't perfect and neither am I, but maybe we are perfect for each other!
3999 characters will never be enough to explain all about me, so if you want to know more...let me know!

Date single girl from Arizona, United States. I want an honest person that wants to have a committed relationship. I want someone that is financially responsible and knows when it is the right time to have fun. Simply put I want someone that knows what they want.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am an outgoing, caring, and thoughtful person. I love doing things for others and watching friends and family expierence happiness. I have a very close family and am so greatful to have been raised in such a loving family. My parents instilled in me the understanding that "Everything happens for a reason" and to "Dream Big" Both of these "phrases" are concepts that will take you far in life if you allow them to. I am passionate about helping others and making a difference in whatever it is that you are doing in life. It's not the things you do when people are watching that matter, but the things you do when nobody is watching that count.
I am an easy going girl who dosent mind going out and getting her hands dirty but also like to be a girl at the same time and go out with friends for a fun time! I love to catch a football or baseball game when I can but don't really have that "one team" that I'm a fan of. Just an all around sports fan!
I am looking for someone who is looking to live life and accept all the adventures that life brings. Some qualities taht I am looking for in a man are thoughtful, kind, and optimistic. Thinking of others is someting that is very important to me and sharing that understanding with somone is important as well. I love to try new things and explore new places and finding somone who is intrested in doing the same is something I am looking for in a relationship!

Date a girl from Arizona, United States. Hello. My name is Kerry. I figured I would try out the whole online dating thing. I'm kind of past the point of meeting guys at bars and clubs.
Let see...a little bit about me. I used to own my own business. I gave that up about 8 months ago and found an awesome job!! I love doing it and I'm good at it. Well now that the work thing is out of the way. I graduated from ASU back in 2009 with a Bachelors degree in psychology. Im pretty proud of that. Im a native and Ive lived here my whole life.
Im a pretty active person. My hobbies are hiking (my newest passion), watching movies, comedy clubs, traveling, and anything else that involved getting out of the house. Dont get me wrong I love to cuddle up sometimes and just stay in.
Im looking for someone who will be a good match for me. I have a strong personality and I tell it like it is. I prefer to be upfront and honest. I love to laugh and I love to make people laugh. I have a somewhat sarcastic personality. Im not one for drama. I get enough of that at work and in my personal life I like things to be easy going and fun. If I meet someone and we connect then that will be it. I dont like to play games. Its much easier to tell the truth than have worry about covering it up.
I look forward to meeting someone. E-mail me and we can chat.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am single, happy and open to finding someone who is like-minded and has a sense of adventure. My friends describe me as sweet, quirky, easygoing and fun. I love doing most things outdoors. I also enjoy spur of the moment road trips and cultural and artistic experiences. I find a great sense of humor, a laid back personality and a desire to try new things very attractive.
The reason that I will not be writing 5 paragraphs about why I am super AWESOME and the best thing that could possibly, ever happen to you (although all of the above is very true) is because...I like to create an air of mystery about myself, in addition to leaving lots for us to learn about each other on the first date. Funny, smart and cute right...right? Drop a note if I spark your interest or curiosity.
Talk to you soon,