Date men from United States / Arizona, 52 year old - page 7

Date single man from Arizona, United States. In a great place in life and looking to share it with someone. Very energetic, love to smilelaugh, sort of sarcastic, but don't take myself to serious. My family is very important to me. Both daughters getting married in the next 7 months, so busy time in my life and would like to have someone share the experience.
If you like Chelsea's Kitchen, Vig, Overeasy along with College Football and the Suns, we will connect.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. A decent and confident man looking for a fascinating woman to share some time with. I'm a friendly and outgoing guy who is generally described as driven, funny, and caring. I prefer to find a long term relationship but who knows; life has a way of taking its' course. I love to travel, work out, and am looking for a best friend to spend some time with (and more, naturally). I value one on one relationships; I don't want to date multiple women. I prefer stability. I stay in shape; a sound mind needs a sound body.
I am a business professional therefore I do tend to travel fairly often.
My perfect match is a woman that I feel chemistry with, that's most of it. I' m not going to list a string of 15 adjectives that no mortal woman can fulfill :). PLEASE have a good sense of humor! If you can't laugh at yourself and the rediculous curves this life throws at us then you are just too serious. I am 100% supportive of a career woman (after all, I'm a career guy...). I value a woman that is stimulating both physically AND intellectually. Good conversation is a must and frankly smart women are sexy! But don't get me wrong; two people comfortable enough with each other to be silent together is just as valuable. I am an affectionate guy and I dont hesitate to show it, so hopefully that does not pose a problem for her. By the way; I know how to treat a lady like a lady; chivalry is not dead.
That said, I am a person that finds humor in much so that my humor may get a bit dark (dark humor is the best!). I enjoy golf (although it sometimes doesn't look like golf when I do it) and anything outdoors. I enjoy working out, hiking, and would like to try either scuba or skiing (if you are a good instructor let me know!). Don't misunderstand; I'm just as happy watching a great film with a bottle of wine, but I'm no couch potato. Oh; and I do NOT like clubs (bad dancer, overpriced drinks, too loud to hold a conversation, etc.). However, a nice jazz spot or piano bar is a different thing completely...
Speaking of funny...90% of the women on this site list "Camping" as one of their interests...really? :) Even I only camp if I have to (but I will)! Cabo, Sedona, Europe, are some of my favorite destinations and I sometimes like to take a trip with little advance planning. I guess that is because my work life is a little TOO structured. Travel is the best; I really like to lose myself wandering new destinations and old cites.
One thing about me; I value honesty and loyalty very highly. There is no question that I will not answer. If there is no trust in a relationship then there is nothing at all. If we click that will be great; if we don't I will not waste your time pretending.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. New in town and looking for a lifetime partner. As long as we have trust honesty loyalty humor we can do anything. Myself I'm into scuba diving travel and anything the two of us agree on. I really love to laugh and do so often.....

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Looking for........someone Attractive and Honest, Caring and Loving, Someone with character (not a character).Not someone condescending or small minded. A Best friend possessing the ability it takes to be one. .Best luck to all.

Date single man from United States. I'm looking for someone that I connect with, and that I feel comfortable being myself around. I role with the punches life throws and am not easily rattled or upset. If you are somewhat the same, and appreciate a calm, loving, fun, relationship; we may be a match.

Meet a man from United States. First off, the number in the age column is just a number...I'm way young in every way and you should be too. Out here in AZ defending wildlife from us people (biologist) and trying to save a little bit of what's left of the planet. I love nature in all its forms and like to be around people who feel the same. Getting lost in the mountains for days with only a backpack is a good thing. I'm a gymrat and it shows, looking to meet a women with pipes & delts and an equally pumped-up brain. A quick sense of humor is a definite turn-on, so is perceptiveness and compassion... great looks don't hurt either (i.e. please be hot). Relate best to people who notice and care about the world around them...who don't believe what they hear or do what they're told...who dig hair band music of the 80's and all things metal - if you don't like at least one Guns 'n Roses song it probably won't work...who think that what they do matters...who are always looking for an excuse to laugh.

Date someone special from United States. im a divorced father of two adults.looking for a fun,caring person to share and enjoy life and the simple things in go to the river ,maybe go to san diego once in a while ,. or also stay at home,and just kick back and get ready for the work week,cause believe it or not i love my job.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I would describe myself as a fairly independent, adventurous type who really likes people. I've spent a great deal of my life working with kids and it's ironic that I don't have any of my own (married once, but we didn't have a child). I have a fairly dry wit (Seinfeld anyone?) and do best with those that can laugh/banter. I enjoy doing outdoor activities and a wide variety of sports/travel. My friends would describe me as laid back, fun, reliable, and trustworthy. I like to cook/entertain for friends and family, but also enjoy a night on the town (decent rhythm for a white guy).
As far as who/what I'm looking for...I hope to meet someone who has a sense of humor and is also responsible. Honesty and integrity are tops, of course. I would also like to be with someone who shares my interests and isn't afraid to get dirty, either on the slopes or the beach. I tend to do best with people that have some degree of education and can hold their own on a variety of subjects (challenge me; but play nice). :)

. Just looking to meet someone to enjoy life with. Someone who knows how to enjoy life and not always take things too seriously. An evening out, wine tasting, going to an event or festival, checking out a good movie, dinner for two out, or making dinner for two in, driving somewhere together without a destination in mind, Sedona, Verde Valley anything fun and new. Not looking for drama. Just wanting to have fun and enjoy what life has to offer. Not looking to play games. Life is too short for that. Sense of humor is a must. Chemistry is a must. Typically, one meeting will let you know if it is there or not. If these are the things you are looking for then let's meet for a glass of wine where we can enjoy each other's conversation.
A few more things about me: I've been told I'm a confident, caring, genuine man who is fun to be around. Always looking at the brighter side of life. Glass is half full, not half empty. At my best in person and definitely a people person. Comfortable at a party or completely comfortable one on one by the fire pit sharing a glass of wine and great conversation. Well, enough rambling about me. I don't have many photos of myself. I have forced myself to get in front of the camera the past couple of months. So, all my photos are recent. Most people guess my age at around mid 40's. Which is a good thing I hope? I'm the one always taking the photos. Oh, if you are looking for Ken? Keep looking, you won't find him here. You will find that the more you get to know me, the more attractive I become. I've been told I have a great smile (in person, not for the camera). But, I am the guy who will make you laugh, make you feel secure, the one you will want to have my arm around you. You know? That guy? I'm also the guy who will still open the door for you or give you my coat if you are cold. Shivery isn't dead, it just got lost on the way somewhere.
I wish you all the luck possible in your search. I know there is a great match out there for everyone.

. A man with a passion for living and learning; I strive to live each day with compassion and enthusiasm. I take pride in the fact that I am engaged in life and have many fulfilling experiences because of it.
A life-long learner, I’ve never regretted my career as a college English professor. The rewards of teaching are phenomenal and I often learn as much from my students as they do from me (I think!). I enjoy my career as it is intellectually stimulating and allows me the flexibly to really enjoy life.
My free time finds me tackling new hobbies (tennis, anyone?), taking advantage of Arizona life with a college game (go Devils!) or concert, or spending time with my elderly mother. I live a satisfying lifestyle and would love to find someone special with whom I can share all that Phoenix has to offer.
I am seeking a woman who is kind and who values family as much as I do. I want to be blown away by a great smile and inquisitive nature. I admire a woman whose intelligence leads her to engaging and inspiring discussions. I want a woman who is just as happy having a night out on the town as she is with a relaxing night at home.
If this sounds like you, I look forward to meeting you!

. I'm ready for you. Are you ready for me? I'm available to meet whenever and wherever you like. what would you like from me? I bet I've got what you want. Check it out and see what is waiting for you.

. I am an alpha male and the leader of my tribe. I'm looking for all different kinds of women. I hope to seduce large numbers of women. Some would consider me a pick up artist, but I'd like to say I'm much more than that. I'd like to keep things mysterious for now. I live my life low key and I love it when women compete for my affections.