Date people from Coolidge, United States. I'm a duck on the water, calm on the surface, but paddling like hell underneath! I'm looking for a friend first, lover second. Someone I can share intersts we already have and maybe find some new ones to explore. I spoil my animals and enjoy time with my friends. I love to cook for an audience. That's at home or camping. (Official "Camp Cook " for 15 years) I like simple things and relaxed times with family and friends.
Meet a soulmate from Coolidge, United States. I don't sit still for very long, I love to be out and doing something; walking, golfing, traveling, shopping, the beach, casinos, horse races, movies, museums, BBQ's with friends etc....
I am an organized person, usually. But am also spontaneous and ready to go, or just go with the flow.
On my IPOD there is Country, Sinatra, Black Eyed Peas and Sara Barallis. I like it all depending on my mood.
My ideal match would also love to be active and spontaneous, butalso up for a night of popcorn and movies.