Date men from United States / Arizona / Buckeye, 18 year old

Date a guy from Buckeye, United States. Well im really into blondes but brunettes are ok im looking for that type of girl who likes to have a great time and likes to hang out. well i live in buckeye i have 2 dogs horses,sheep, ducks, geese,rabbits,and chickens. i like horse back riding thats one of my looking for a girl who is beautiful but kind,nice,and generous who also likes to have a fun time.

Meet someone special from Buckeye, United States. i smile and laugh very easy. its not hard to make happy. im not to talkitve im almost silent around people i dont realy know. Every thing i own is very loud.hopping to find a girl that can be loyal in a relationship Or just a girl thats fun to be around and hang out almost always dirty from playing in the desert and fixing cars. im pretty rasial and hate pretty boys that wear skinny jeans and vans. and i hate chevy.

Date single boy from Buckeye, United States. Closest friend describe me as funny, nice, and loving. Any one could make me smile. Looking for a girl who wants to have a guy like me to love them. I love going camping, fishing, and hunting. I grateful for all my friends, and family in life that love and care about me. Most accomplish is getting my letter in golf in hight school. I love to collect sports cards, and buying McFarlens. Will buy my girl what she wants if i have money.

Meet a soulmate from Buckeye, United States. My closest friends would describe me as a nice, fun loving guy that treats people well. Just about everything makes me smile ha! I'm hoping to attract really any girl that will treat me right and stay loyal to me if we end up liking each other.