Date single man from United States. Lets see--at my age waking up in the morning is a grateful thing! I am grateful for my kids and my grandchildren of which I have 5 kids and 12 grandchildren. I like quiet times to relax with that special person.I am not big on the bar scene(that was for when I was younger). I love to travel.I have seen a lot of the world and would love to go back to visit Italy and Thailand. There are a lot of places here in this country that are beautiful to see. Recently went to Lorretta Lynns ranch and Graceland and saw a lot of history.
I was in the AirForce for 8 years and am retired from that and spent 20 years as a carpenter and can still see a lot of places I helped build.
I am proud of my service time and my time in Italy, Greece and Viet-nam as well as the many places I visited. It is a big world out there and you can never stop learning about new places and cultures.
Meet a soulmate from United States. I'm a person that enjoys being around other people and meeting new people. I enjoy sports but am not a fanatic about it. I'm looking for a woman that enjoys holding hands and getting out to explore different areas and events.