Date men from United States / Arizona / Tolleson, 18 year old

Date someone special from United States. First off, I am almost never serious, but people often take everything I say as If I were. I love to have fun, being goofy is just part of who I am. I'm unpredictable and incredibly hard to understand. Even my best friends don't truly know me...and I have only ever told one person, whom I like very much, parts of my most well-hidden past. I am also incredibly cryptic.
That aside, I am very passionate about my music; I have been playing the piano and composing for 8 years, and I love to share my work with others. Music, writing, and game design are my main focuses. - With all that said, everything I do is for (and out of) love. When in love, I do my best work.... I have frequently been called a hopeless romantic...and sometimes I let that get out of hand at times, and I have mental shutdowns....
But don't let that deter you, I have a big heart. I know how to make people smile, I know how to command attention, and I know how to hold a conversation. I take pride in my knowledge and intellect, as well as my outgoing and creative spirit. While I am an introvert, I have no huge problems with getting out of my comfort zone.
As far as influences go, my best friend, Christian, is by far the most influential person in my life behind my parents.... The guy taught me how to live, talk, and just have fun. I had been home-schooled for 3 years, and I had lost all touch with the social world. However, when I went back to a real high school, Christian took my under his wing, and helped me to bounce back and be myself again...after a lot of soul-searching.
As a result, I have a deep sense of morals and ethics. Please do not try to change me into something I'm not, or try make me do something I am not morally comfortable doing. It will result in immediate reciprocation in terms of relationship termination. It's happened before...
As for who I'm looking for.... I'm looking for a girl with a kind, strong, and open heart. Someone who can wake up smiling because she knows that each day will continue to get better if she just tries to make that dream a reality. Someone who will never give in. Someone who will accept anyone just because she believes there's some amount of good in all people.
I'm looking for someone whom I can share each and every day with, knowing that we love each other unconditionally, and have fun living life.
--- Gratias! Vale! (Latin anyone? =])

Meet single boy from United States. I am a funny, nice guy who can be pretty shy at first. I am risky, daring, and willing to try things (as long as I know I can do it). I love the guitar it's what I plan on making as my future because I love music, if not then I plan for the Army. I am just looking for a girl that will enjoy and share the same common interests as me, a girl who is daring, risky, and willing to try new things. Someone funny and that can take jokes. I am especially looking for a nice girl that wont lie or cheat. But, if you really wanna get to know me more and what else I am looking for then you just have to get to know me :)

Date a guy from United States. my closest friend would describe me as an adventurous ,confident, outgoing person that knows what he is doing. mostly anything can make me smile because everything is worth smiling about. ive accomplished many obstacles in life that i prefer not to speak of , im grateful for women that make us realize and experience new things in life . actually id like to be attracted to whoever . my social life is more calm then others my age, im not attracted or interested in going out alot under the influences of illegal substances , i prefer doing other things . if you try to make me laugh ill laugh no doubt about that , even if its not fuuny ! i am passionate about music,art,and photography .

Meet a soulmate from United States. i play sports, talk a lot, party a lot and extremely fun. i want someone to have fun with or just get straight into the fun stuff. im pretty much down for anything. so just hit me up. whenever or however.