Date single boy from Arizona, United States. If I had to pick the perfect word for the type of lady I'm looking for, I guess I say sexually aggressive I really don't care to have to hit on girls to start everything its not where my priorities lie. I'm more of a do the right thing and keep your friends out of trouble kinda guy. I do a lot of rapid excersizing to keep my metabolic rate up. my favorite thing to do is take weights and start speed lifting while playing 4 minute songs to time myself so far its 100 curls per each arm in 4 mintues, and another 100 over 8 minutes to let them rest the highest I've ever gotten to was 600 for each arm, looking to make it 800 over the next 4 months. I recently got into to speed push ups to the songs as well my max is 70 in 4 minutes. my main goal so far is to be a correctional officer, but right now since the age limit is 21 or over I just unload trucks at walmart. my other hobbies are religious studies I pray a lot and try to ask God for his advice for most of my decisions that I make in life. I play videogames from time to time but the only one that can keep me on it for over an hour is world of warcraft I won't lie its pretty fun. I'm not super fun loving, but I like to have a good time when I get the chance, but I've only been in Arizona for about 8 months so I don't know a lot of ppl around here. I'm originally from Kansas.