Date women from United States / Alaska / Wasilla, 41 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I'm easy going and laid back. I like camping, fishing, hiking, movies, I love sports and enjoy traveling. I believe in doing something active each and every day. I'm not a thrill seeker but will usually try anything at least once. If it sounds fun I'm up for it. I know I have alot to offer the right person. I treat people the way I hope to be treated....with respect and honesty. I trust completely and give with everything I have. I know I can make someone happy one's only a matter of who. I am completely happy in my life, the only thing that could make it any better would be to find someone to share it with. There are so many things that I want to do and experience in life but don't care to do them alone. I'm looking for a best friend and a life partner all in one.
I'm looking for someone that is honest and fun to spend time with. Someone that likes to have fun, no matter what we are doing. Life is for living so let's get out there....

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. As you can see by my photos I love the sun and especially Hawaii. Just got my passport and need a travel partner. Looking for someone who can be real, enjoy life and likes to do things, not a couch potato. Needs to have sense of humor and like kids. I still have one at home. Must be willing to take time to smell the roses and then bring me some on occasion !! Needs to be able to go when the opportunity comes. I am a old fashioned girl and love to be taken out on occasion. I love to smile and stay happy. I'm pretty easy going and believe i am a good person to have has a friend - let's start there

Date a woman from Alaska, United States. One dying to live for Christ. To share in that goodness and joy together. To be a mirror for him. For him to be a mirror for me. To be a reflection of Christ's love to each other and to everyone.

Meet a soulmate from Wasilla, United States. I am a self employed woman who works too much but wants to slow down and find someone to have fun with. I am not looking to be joined at the hip with someone but I do want regular companionship. I am fun, witty, attractive, and fit. I have in my profile that I am Divorced . Technically I am getting a divorce. It has been slow going ( in the works for over a year) but it is happening.