Date women from United States / Alaska / Douglas, 41 year old

Date a woman from United States. i am a proud mother of 3boys and one girl but only 3 are at home,i love 2have cookouts with fam and friends im very close 2 my family and like 2 spend alot of time with them and go 2 my kids sporting events i also like 2 show the man im with that he is my one and only and show him by hugs kisses and a little note here or there or a candy

Meet someone special from United States. My friends would describe me as a quiet, loyal friend. I don't have many friends and the few that I have I enjoy the time with them. Having a good day makes me smile. To see my friends having a good day or to see my boys having a good day makes me smile.
My biggest accomplishment, being a single mother and proud of it. I am grateful for the people and things in my life.
The type of person I am hoping to attract would have to be romantic, good sense of humor, like sports, someone who can laugh at himself and enjoy life. A nice dinner date would be nice to learn more about each other.
With all this said, I do seek a man who is thoughtful. Could this be you?

Date a soulmate from United States. I would love a man to spend some time with, I have only lived here 18 months and am really lonely. I love to just watch TV and cuddle on the couch. I'm outgoing and funny at times, I like to talk and make new friends. I've worked on the ambulance for 20 plus years here and in Michigan and I wouldn't change my job for the world, I love helping people. I like to go out dancing and I am a big music lover, mostly country but, I like all music!! I want a man that will pay attention to me and no games, tell me that I'm beautiful, send flowers and just be romantic. I'm a tom boy and hardly wear make up but I think it's fun to get dressed up once in a while. I love all sports and going to games is a favorite of mine to do. I'm a nursing student and I work hard at school and work..not sure what else to put here...just no games and I want a relationship not a player!!!