Date women from United States / Alaska / Wasilla, 54 year old

Date a woman from United States. My friends would describe me as funny, honest and caring along with being an excellent cook and baker. I am always there if they need me if at all possible, and they would be there for me.
I am a Lifelong Alaskan living the dream of all Alaska has to offer. Single hard worker who loves to be happy and smile enjoying life and what it has to bring. I enjoy the outdoors, and doing hobby type crafts in the winter inside. I am a non smoker, social drinker that also loves to travel to someplace warm in the winter. My children are grown, so it is my time in life to enjoy life to the fullest. I like camping, motorcycling, four wheeling, snow mobiling, bowling and just keeping active. I also like those relaxing evenings to cuddle up and watch a movie together or just take a walk. If I am in a relationship, I give it my all and expect the same back. I would like to find the same in a man. I definately don't want any lazy man or if you are a liar or cheat just delete me, because I do not put up with dishonesty.
Someone to go to dinner with, maybe a cocktail and possibly dancing or a movie. Someone to make me laugh is always a plus, because I absolutely love to laugh. I also do not want any man who is married or full of drama type situations.
I am looking for a man who loves life, and wants to share that love of life with a partner who also wants the same. Possibly travel together, camp, enjoy Alaska at it's finest when you can't go for long trip to somewhere tropical and on a beautiful beach drinking an ice cold beer or Margherita.
I am grateful for my children being financially secure which gives me the opportunity to not worry about them.
I have worked since I was 14 and except for a year of college, I have worked all my life. I hope to retire within another 7 years and be able to travel somewhere warm for at least a few months of the winter. I definately wouldn't mind seeing some other places I have not seen before. A passport would be a plus for you, so we could go on a nice trip on maybe short notice. I like to go to Hawaii to visit my 3 grand daughters at least for a week once a year if I can at all do that.

Meet someone special from United States. Hi. I like playful men. I enjoy life each day. I'm assertive with semi-exotic looks. I'd love to chase the Northern Lights with someone who likes to that as well.I am told that I'm a very possitive lady that knows what I want and go after my goals with confidence. I also love fine dining as well as grabbing a quick bite to eat at some fast food places. I enjoy indoor and outdoor activities. My favorite things to collect are angels. I love to see peolpe smile and enjoy pleasing the one I'm with. I've got my own business and have plenty of flexibility. Going "outside in the winter is a pleasure with the right place to go to and the right person to go with!I like being spontaneous. Then again, I like stability. I like long legs on a man. You've got to be assertive, honest,willing to explore different things in life, happy with yourself, able to support my feelings and thoughts, kind, sweet, sensual, playful, and know what you want out of life and a lady. I'd be nice if you knew a little about cooking. I don't want someone who's a control nut but doesn't mind taking control of making decissions either. You've got to be sure of yourself! Confident not egotistical. I'm not looking for "Mr. Right". I'm looking for a partner to treat as an equal and that treats me the same.

Date a soulmate from United States. Hello...I moved here from the peninsula...I have a 2 yr contract...I like it...when its sunny shorts and it....thunder and lightning....beautiful ...( though my cat may not think so)...I like to fish ride,and some camping.....I am greatful to be here and have what I have... I am looking for a strong...and funny kinda man...and someone you miss until you see them again...

Meet a woman from Wasilla, United States. Just a working girl....and just lookin...l like to go for walks and my job and my life ..I laugh and have all that I need ..... missing just one thing...someone to walk with and to laugh with....

Date someone special from Wasilla, United States. I am secure & happy, but... Life is more fun with 2! A little bit about myself: I enjoy travel & exploring or just hanging out. Fun loving with a good sense of humor as well as self-sufficient & independent. Plus family & friends are very important to me. A man who can make me laugh and enjoy life is a treasure to be with. Talk to me... I enjoy learning about others.

Meet a soulmate from Wasilla, United States. I'm 54 (omg did I say that out loud?)
I'm a woman who has lived more lives than one person should be allowed yet am a professed hermit. I love travel but not crowds, conversation with depth versus drivel. Stubborn yet submissive. Peaceful yet passionate. I'm shy... smiles...but you will get me talking. My family is in California so I enjoy travel to there when I can and would love to return permanently. I have a son in his 30's and 4 grandbabies.
I enjoy puttering at home, doing crafts, pretending I can garden and treating the days as if they last forever. Long drives with lots of laughter and communicating are good as well as camping, day trips and most other excursions. There's also a bit of geek in me and I enjoy surfing the net and writing and reading online journals. I'm a great believer in balance and feel there is a time to enjoy everything from playing in the mud to a night out on the town. Life is short and it really is "my time to dance" :)
I would like to find a long term relationship with someone who is easy going and enjoys life. Someone who feels the whole point of being a "we" is sharing a life not co-existing. Someone who wants to love passionately and is willing to work to keep it that way.
I am not shallow and looks only go so far. I am not afraid of a few extra pounds, wrinkles or other delightful amenities that come with age.......... I have some of my own to share if you dont come pre-equipped. But I do try and take care of myself in a non fanatical way and try to be clean and groomed and carry myself with some dignity and want the person Im with to attempt to do the same. I want to be proud of the person Im with just as much as I want them to be proud of me.
I look for a man who understands the concept and difference between being male and female, enjoys the fact that he possesses testosterone and would never apologize for his masculinity.
Kindness, courtesy, respect, openmindedness, passion and playfulness. All important to me. It doesn't matter so much where you've been... it's where you're wishing to go.
What I am NOT interested in is a booty call, getting together just for sex. Make no mistake, I have more than a healthy libido, I just prefer a more well rounded relationship.
If I ever do find the one that makes my heart sing I will be incredibly loyal and his alone and expect the same in return.

Date a woman from Alaska, United States. I like to be around positive people that have interests and goals. I love to laugh and enjoy a variety of activities such as fishing, camping, watching the sunset, and sunrise. I'm likeable and a good cook, and want to meet someone that enjoys hanging out and watching TV, or going out on the town. Barbecues, and bonfires are awesome, and playing cards or dice with friends are more of my favorite things to do.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. I love the outdoors, the beach, warm weather (right! I live in Alaska LOL), full moons, northern lights and more. Just about anything outside is ok with me.
I have my own 4 wheeler and snowmachine and love exploring Alaska. I like to fish and I eat moose but don't hunt! LOL.

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I am a hard worker who worries about things. Have had very little time to think about myself. Moved back to Alaska Jan 2010. Might be looking for someone to have a conversation with. I am very, very shy.

. Im just looking and this thing is making me look at all kinds of stuff and fill in blanks and its kinda pissin me off. Whats the gig?
It to look. Didnt say I had to give my life story..... there, I used 200 characters now get off me!

. my friends describe me as
*open hearted
I smile when someone else smiles. smiling is catching try it.
I a proud of my time with the Coast Guard. I have even saved a life and have won awards for my efforts.
I am grateful for my youngest son who is a friend
I am hoping to find a truthful,caring,loving man who can love me for me.
Children being children makes me laugh as you never knw what they will say next.
I am looking for a long term relationship that may lead to marriage.
hot toppics for me are equal rights, abortion,anti war as we loose to many soldiers.