Date women from United States / Alaska / Douglas, 32 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. God comes first. My children are my life and I absolutely love being a mother. I'm a sports mom with some sass! I come from a big strict Italian family, but believe whole heartedly in confession ;) I am a single parent (obviously), I moved up to Juneau from San Diego in April 2011 to start fresh in life. Everything has gone according to plan and I love it up here.
I'm looking for a man that knows what he wants and either has it or is very close to having it. I want respect and equality in a relationship... but I'm not afraid to get down in the kitchen ;) I love wine by the fire, but can do beer at a dive bar. I love tattoos and harleys, flip flops and tank tops. Sushi, sunsets and snuggling. I have great conversation, and at times can be a bit of a talker.
I'm very confident and I like to take care of myself, I like nice things but I know the value of a dollar. If my guy is wearing a suit, no baggy shirts! I'm broadening my horizons and totally digging the Carhartt, hunter look. I'm not here to waste my time, if I think there's potential I'll try it out.
I have started a whole new career and I plan on being very successful with it, I would love to find someone who can respect that and support the idea but also who has it together themself. I would preferably like someone with children, I find it easier for them to understand what it's like to be a parent and to put their children first. I want to travel, maybe later when my children are older but I want to travel.
I'm pretty easy going, not much gets to me. Lying, that gets to me. I like to be straight forward and would expect the same in return.
I love to have fun. I do enjoy my kid free nights, which at this time isn't very often. I have fun at the bars, drinking at a friends house and just hanging out with good people. I can listen to pretty much any kind of music... yes even rap (I tend to like it when I'm on my treadmil). If you've read this far, you must have liked it, feel free to message me... If not then so be it :)

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. This whole on-line thing is new to me so I am kind of nervous. I feel like I have been in a full time working/mommy mode for a long time and I am looking to meet new people. I have a beautiful little boy that is my world. I work in a law enforcement/science field (if you can imagine that! lol). I like hanging out with good friends and sharing a laugh or two. I'm definately not the dance club/huge crowds kinda girl but I have my moments. I'm a fun person, a good friend and really close to my family and I really admire those qualities in other people. I love to travel when I can and I would like to explore new places and try new things. I'm a hard working person I value that motivation in others. I'm looking for someone to have fun with....not take care of. Above all I would like to meet someone that is honest, caring, nice, and has some integrity. If you want to know more just ask!