Date women from United States / Alaska / Anvik, 32 year old

Date someone special from Anvik, United States. I prefer to meet people the natural way, in person, but life is busy. So why not try something new. I'm a private person, but I enjoy meeting new people. I choose to keep positive, trusting people in my life. Quality over quantity, in all facets of life. I refuse to waste the seconds of my life. I know what I want and don't want, and I'm always evolving.
For myself and others, I value intelligence, confidence, humour, kindness, ambition, manners. I believe in face-to-face communication, expressing feelings, being true to yourself, always continuing to learn anything in life and challenging yourself. Respect, love and acceptance. I have basic simple needs daily: fresh air and exercise- I adore walking and exploring; listening and dancing to music- I can't sit for long because I have so much energy and must move, but at the end of the day, I have no problem relaxing, I am a movie buff, no horror though; reading- anything I can get my hands on, I love learning something new everyday and utilizing it in my knowledge and life; I talk to my family everyday, even if it's just a "HI! Thinking of you, I love you" 5-minute talk. You have to put energy in the things you love to maintain. I feel and express myself passionately, from the things I believe in- my morals- to the things I enjoy. I love art, museums, concerts, traveling- I've always felt European at heart. When I'm not working, I believe in taking everything in, all senses, and really enjoying life. Hence, I am a Scorpio. I'm an artistic person and a scientific nerd. I'm absorbed and fascinated with medical science, anatomy and psychology.
I enjoy expanding my world and views when I meet new people to include in my life. To me it's simple. I'm happy on my own, but I would like to share my life with someone, not just anyone, but the right person, and visa-verca. Having the same values and morals, and communicating well is very important to me. To travel and walk into a museum together and discuss each others thoughts and opinions, run on the beach together, walk the dog after dinner, read the paper over coffeetea and share our thoughts, try something new each one likes, going to concerts, let loose and rock out, going to a ballet or opera.
Professionally, I went to Johns Hopkins University, and I'm a nurse. I love what I do! Helping other people, their families, comforting them, solving problems and critically thinking and anticipating what could happen, stimulates me mentally and fulfills my heart. I would like to get my master's and become a nurse practitioner soon.