Date men and women from United States / Alabama / Lafayette, 67 year old

Date single man from Alabama, United States. They say opposites attract. Been there, done that, not at all pleased with the way it turned out, each time. Looking for a woman who is equal mentaly, spiritualy and physically. Someone who is very affectionate and likes to touch and be touched.
I laugh outlout at myself and slapstick comedy.I love the caribbean islands, Cozamel, Cabo San Lucas and Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point). Would love to explore the cities on the bay side of the Baha. I have no desire to go to Europe. Proud of the fact that I have been in the same career for 40 plus years. Grateful for my 3 children and 4 grandchildren.
Being self-employed, I would like to meet a woman who is or understands Capricorns and accepts the entrepenerial spirit within them. More importantly I am looking for a woman that enjoys being a woman, is happy with herself and her life and accepts herself for the way she is.
My passions are: spending time with family and friends, watching football and golf, being ontime, recycling, visual asthetics and being efficient.

Meet a man from Alabama, United States. People say i am outgoing friendly type person especially when things are going my way,I am a workaholic even tho i should retire ican t figure out what to do other than watch judge judy.I am very grateful for my health and my loved ones not the least of which are my 5 dogs

Date men and women from Alabama, United States. I like to do almost anything as long as it's with that someone I enjoy being with. I'm up for pretty much anything you might have in mind (except opera and mimes). Being good company is the most important part. The rest is just a good excuse to be together. One warning! If we take long walks it will most likely be with my furry girl friend Brigitte. A lot of what I do includes her in one way or another since she's pretty hard to ignore. Boating, picnics, playing in the pool and trips to Tahoe are some of her favorite things. We are split on skiing but I can usually get away for things like museums, theater, ballet and dining out since she has less interest in them. She and I have a nearly perfect balanced relationship. I play music, she listens. She likes stuffed animals, I buy them. Both of us are fit, fun and occasionally don’t act our ages. What we are missing is one special person to share some of these things and perhaps our lives and our future. If any of this sounds interesting you know where to find us.

Meet people from Alabama, United States. I’m fairly laid back; I prefer jeans, button down shirts, and sandals to suits. My musical tastes are rather eclectic and range from rock to bluegrass to classical (I think rap music is an oxymoron). I’m equally comfortable at the ballet, the theater, (dancing is not my thing and I'd rather have hot coals in my eyes than watch baseball) Like to learn how to Tango and play a better game of golf.

Date people from Alabama, United States. easy going and would love to be in a relationship... want someone to have fun with, explore and have new adventures with and just enjoy life. I am looking for someone who has a good sense of humor and likes being active.
I am semi-retired after many long and rewarding years as an R.N. Worked ten years in Los Angeles, ten years in San Diego and 25 years in Berkeley. I still work one to two days a week as needed in a hospital in Berkeley.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Whiskers on kittens, snow flakes on noses...
I can be whimsical, witty, romantic, compassionate, generous, serious, and silly.
I'm looking for a man who has a sense of humor, is compassionate and has integrity.