Date men from United States / California, 48 year old - page 5

Date a man from California, United States. I am loyal,fun-loving,trustworthy,friendly and seek like qualities in a woman. I enjoy life and what life has to offer.I am fascinated with different cultures different than my own, and believe that those differences makes us stronger as indivduals and as a people. I like new and challenging adventures and would be willing to try most anything.

Meet a soulmate from California, United States. Easy going, smart, witty, good sense of humor, attractive, in shape, and a little crazy. Loves music, outdoors, is active. Can drink, laugh, play, confident, independent, passionate. Honest, direct, playful, lighthearted, smart, polite, gentile, warm, caring, protective, giving, trustworthy, crazy, insane, hilarious.

Date someone special from California, United States. im 48 5'10" 170lbs. red hair. i stay in shape. i worked for 30 yrs in the construction trade up to about three years ago. now i flip houses. love being outside unless its over 100. then i duck for cover. pretty irish. i like working on my cars(typical guy). not very good talking about myself.
i like a girl who is polite and fun loving but maybe smouldering a little on the inside. dogs are great...not much into cats. i do smoke, but i'd rather you didn't. i really want to quit. been puffing on those electric things, but they taste awful. ironic huh?
used to like camping out of tent, not so much anymore. i would rather rent an rv or buy a big boat and camp on the delta....with air conditioning and a shower and a toilet that a thousand other people haven't sat on:) pretty anal, huh?
the picture without my shirt on, i agree is not tasteful. i had a couple girls ask me if i was fat. 170lbs???? i guess some people lie.
i hope all you girls find your dream man....god bless you all and never give up. you will find him

Meet single man from California, United States. iam looking for somebody that can keep a coversation and calm, once or twice a week we can go out and have fun but not some one who wants to be out everynight and also value life hard working with the belief that the best days are yet to come and of course must be people's person and iam one of those guys that prefer the inside beauty instead of out one

Date a man from United States. Short version
I'm fun, affectionate and interesting and I'm looking for a companion to love and cherish.
...and the long version...
I'm a Software engineer, a bit of a futurist and I read a lot, especially scientific literature, so I tend to use big words because that's what I rub shoulders with, but I balance it with a good dose of silly, sometimes at work but definitely at home...or at the beach. If we are banging into each other on our boogie-boards in the salty ocean waves, I'll likely scream enthusiastically like a little girl. (kids love me). I bob up and down if the music is good (this tends to happen in the car at the beginning of a road trip). I embarrass kids sometimes, but the younger ones still enjoy it. Also I have a lot of "kids" toys like skateboard, kite, frisbee...and I have discovered the best way to toboggan down a snowy mountain. I like making life fun. Or maybe life likes making me fun (deep huh). I'm not high-powered and restless, just simple, a gregarious person still wanting to "come out and play". Under all this (or on top?) I have a solid foundation, straight-laced ethics, financially responsible, and even an anti-consumer (but in a practical way). I'm not complicated, I haven't accumulated baggage, I'm still a kid at heart, open and free-spirited, but I do need a lot of down time for introspection and to recharge and I hope you will make the hammock one of our favorite places to be together...where I can listen to your ideas.
I'm not afraid of having ideas, big and small, some are impractical, some are fun, some silly, some transformative, some green, some shiny. Take my ceramic mud hut idea for example ;) but don't worry, I'll only build one after exhaustive "modeling and simulation" and your smile of approval. I'm an inspirational sort of guy and enjoy explaining things in a fun way. I love listening to inspirational speakers like TED talks. I might do something like that someday, sharing with people my ideas about sustainable yet fun ways of living. I like simple beauty. I've reseached a lot of farming techniques around the world and examined their many ways of building homes and huts. My dream is to develop a primitive solution that is beautiful, warm and inviting, with curves you want to touch and lighting that beacons in the distance, the mellow amber hues through the large window inviting you home. I've done some small projects, but my next one will be a small farm and home from scratch. I'm good at designing spaces, but it takes a lot of meditation mixed with some good science. My friends ask me to design their spaces and my neighbors are perplexed at how I can make things look so beautiful, and sometimes don't believe that I made it, but I'm used to it by now. My photography teacher in high school accused me of hiring a professional (if he only knew how poor we were living 6 people in a bus down by the river).
I like spending time at home but I need to get out from under the roof often, if only to the hammock. I like having some regular spots, like my favorite beach, but otherwise I try not to go to the same place twice (mostly nature stuff). I was doing survivor-man before there was a show. Not to try to prove anything, but just because it does make your pack lighter and it's fun ;) When I was a kid my father would drop me off up river. Of course he would worry about me, especially if I wasn't back the next day, but he was a Zen sort of man, able to love and let go, a groove I myself found early on, which even got better recently with The Power of Now, a simple yet powerful message to live less in the past and future and to live right now in this small split second called now...not irresponsibly though. It is in that small moment, that is happening constantly, where you find true life and inspiration, for everything from family to work...
PS. Please no domineering, demanding, petty, critical or abusive types. Although, needy, sad or boring are all okay :

Meet a soulmate from United States. I'm just a simple guy with simple pleasures. I know that there is no such thing as perfection so I won't even try to project it on anybody, just looking to start out slow and see where things go. I like to work out 3-5 times a week and get in a few chapters of a good book everyday. I do not like to stay mentally idle so I am always learning something new about the world everyday. As Plato once said " The unexamined life isn't worth living", I of course wouldn't take it to that extreme and hoped nobody else would but just wanted to say learning is a priority in my life.I would hope that the person I meet have a sense of humor and is honest. I hope that they like to exercise and resist the urge to become a couch potato except only at the appropriate times such as rainy days, tired nights, etc.

Date someone special from United States. Preface:
I created this section to try and make myself clear as to what I am looking for, answer frequently asked questions, and address a few pet peeves. If you're offended by my candor just move on.
I am not interested in exchanging dozens of emails each asking a single question (so annoying) or exchanging anything more than a few emails or calls that have to do with when and where we are meeting. We're either interested in each other or we're not, no need to belabor the issue. If we share a “vibe” it will be immediately apparent thus no need for the “tell me about yourself” email requests, all we will want to do is figure out when our schedules will allow us to meet face to face. Regarding the ages of women I’m interested in (30-55) I have met 30 year olds that are just as sophisticated, grounded, mature, successful, and desirable as women in 50’s ...and 50 year olds that are just as beautiful, sexy, playful, and free spirited as 30 year olds. I don't believe, within reason, that chemistry is bound by age and if you do i'm not interested. I'm attracted to women who take care of themselves, inside and out. INSIDE: Please be emotionally stable and well mannered If you see a therapist that’s cool as long as he or she thinks it's safe for you to date and he or she has figured out the perfect psychotropic cocktail for you AND YOU TAKE IT AS PRESCRIBED. Rough around the edges is completely acceptable but if you let F and A bombs fly like there’s no tomorrow i'm not interested. OUTSIDE: fit, slender, muscular, athletic, toned, average, and curvy are all good. Just like age, beauty has a range, but know that my idea of curvy is Ana Nicole Smith before she was heavy and long before she was dead. Also, a few extra pounds doesn’t mean your physician suggested you drop 20 (or more), it means you just don’t feel you are where you would like to be even though you are probably ideal. INTIMACY: I love intimacy-- physical, intellectual, heartfelt. I'm playful, flirtatious, attentive, and affectionate and you should be too. I love a courtship but not a game and nothing contrived. I'm not interested in going out with you and your friends the first time, can care less if they approve, and think women who need the consent and approval of their friends are more girls than women. If the instant we see each other we want to hold hands, wrap our arms around each other, or share a long, soft kiss we shouldn't pretend otherwise and if you think we should because you’re “old fashioned that way” i'm not for you. Religion: I respect all religions but the world can do without zealots of all faiths.
Trying to find the right words to impress upon you exactly who I am and what landed me here is difficult. I consider myself to be quite sincere and this format makes that difficult to convey without sounding cheesy or contrived. I like to think of myself as intelligent, strong, witty, direct, effective, attentive, and affectionate. I tend to be quite romantic when inspired, love to spoil with words, gestures, letters, and attention. I believe in sweeping a woman off her feet, nice dinners (though i love neighborhood, family owned, hole in the walls), never ending eye contact at the appropriate times, soft touches, firm embraces, dancing close, long walks, and weekend get aways for no particular reason. I also believe in the type of passion that leaves you fighting to catch your breath and wishing you never had to part. I'm very active, eat healthy, hard working, diligent, tenacious, and not to shabby in the brains department. I enjoy reading in my down time, cooking, do a little writing from time to time, love to laugh, and would love to find a woman to share a passionate relationship with.

Meet single man from United States. I'm just looking for that special chemistry between two people that everyone else is. You know, the one that makes you smile when you receive an unexpected call or text, and you can't wait to see them? Partnership is key as well as respect for each other and trust.
Time with family and friends are a very important part of my life and I enjoy all the special times no matter what the occasion.
I’m definitely the outdoors type (I know, who isn't right?). I certainly live for the weekends and enjoy a number of interests which include shows, sporting events, comedy clubs, concerts, a dive bar every now and then and just walking around somewhere new and exciting or you can find me riding my Bike up/down the coast with the guys or camping out in the desert riding dirt bikes.
Love the ocean and will find time to hit the waves surfing from time to time in HB or just riding the beach cruiser on the boardwalk. Love (trailer :)) camping on the beach in Oceanside with family/friends! Talk about fun weekends!!!
Not much of a TV person as I want to be out and about enjoying life! I could go on and on, but anybody could just type works you find interesting, right?
Well, if you made it this far, I'm told by many that I look and and act much younger than my age :)

. I'm always told that I am very funny. I like classic rock, blues, and little dogs. I enjoy going to sporting events, or hanging out at a good pub. Good food and good wine go without stating. I think by this time in my life I've learned to drop the try to be cool routine. I'm not afraid to be vulnerable, and do not have an ego problem. I try to be genuine at all times, and will never end a sentence in a preposition at all.

. I was born lonely down by the riverside could of made a fortune in throwing dice
I was just thirteen when I had to leave home knew I couldn't stick around had to roam
I ain't good looking but you know I ain't shy ain't afraid of looking girl anyhow
If you need some loving and you need it right away take a little time out and baby I'll stay
but I've got to ramble gambling man - Bob Seger
At this point in my life I'm just looking for someone I enjoy being around. Spent most of the last twenty years raising my two kids that for some reason don't want to hang with Dad anymore??? : ) When I have have time I enjoy sports and the outdoors and new experiences. Mainly music, golf, fishing, poker, baseball, occasional camping trip the usual...: ) Traveling is a good thing and I have a list of places I want to and will go. I like to cook trying to recreate the receipes I see on T.V. I like a beer or a bottle of wine but mainly keep it to the weekends. Go Niners and Giants!!!
I like a woman with natural beauty whose sensible and down to earth with a warm heart who realizes there are more important things then trying to be cool and whose not afraid to tell the truth. Someone who is giving and honest and thinks about others as well as herself.

. About me; Adventurous, outgoing, successful, independent, humorous man with good morals and career. Love animals, outdoors, boats, fishing, dirt bikes,street bikes, camping, family and friends.
Looking for female friends and possible relationship with right match.
Seek attractive intelligent woman who communicates well and is independent. She would be a little humorous, honest, loyal and of good moral values. She enjoys the outdoors and seeks a solid relationship with the right match with the possibility of more. She likes to plan and is goal oriented and also enjoys some spontaneous adventures as well.
Understands we are all not a match and making a new friend or two a long the away is a good thing.
Interest in Ocean, bay, delta, rivers, lakes, boating, motorcycles and hot rods would be a plus.

. I’m here with an open heart and an open mind looking to see if I will find that special person in my life who will start out as a friend, then my best friend and one day—my partner.
When you first meet me you’re definitely going to notice a big smile on my face. I’m a man who loves my life and enjoys living each and every day to the fullest. Right now I’m in a great place in my life and don’t really have anything to complain about. However, there is that one piece of the puzzle missing and that’s the one I want to share it all with.
As far as what I’m looking for in a match, initially attraction is of course important, but not the most important thing. For me, what really counts is someone I can connect with on all levels. I’d like to find someone who shares my core values and similar outlooks on life. She’ll be a kind, loving person with a wonderful personality who naturally radiates warmth because they’re a good person. She’ll be someone who’s happy within her life and confident in herself. My ideal partner will treat everyone including herself with respect and be the kind of woman who can find the humor in any situation and not be afraid to laugh at herself. I’m ready to meet that one person who makes everything fun and exciting just by being there. I think that’s just what happens when it’s right.
I know what I’m ultimately searching for isn’t something that will happen overnight, but I’m a patient man and know the right person for me is out there. So, if you think we may hit it off send me an email and let’s see where it goes from there!

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