Date someone special from Manitou Springs, United States. Faugh, describe myself? What can I say? Hmmm, well, until someone actually calls me enigmatic, I'll just do it myself. I am an enigma. I think that gets us current...
I have been known to try to dance; though quite honestly I mostly just flail about a bit on the dance floor. Terribly embarrassing, I assure you. Also: I like to play tennis, but I am the most amazingly awful player you have ever seen. I suppose that's why they invented lessons. I'll have to look into that.
I might be wild, but I am a family man through and through. And in addition, I must say I really am terribly ambitious. I will never be satisfied as second best. At anything. Ever. That was a warning in case you missed it. ;-) Lol. So to be sure, a man with a plan. Driven, you might say.
I live a healthy and active life; overall fitness and eating well are important to me and I generally succeed [to varying degrees depending upon how seductive those ever-present culinary distractions become. Meh, they provide balance, you know. Important, that.]
I like to experience new things, to be challenged, and to be pushed (intellectually, physically, culturally). So while I may be a romantic, under my veneer of civility and natty style there still lurks a semi-wild barbarian... I am, after all, not perfect...
I am a hedonist. A dirty word these days, huh? Lol. I love life. I've been said to be greedy for life, to do too much of everything all the time. And... it's true. I want to experience this life, I want to live it; pursue joy, unabridged and unbridled... I like adventure, excitement, and intrigue. I like to relax; to enjoy the dying light of a falling sun; a cup of coffee and a newspaper on the porch in the crisp morning light of spring. And despite my active lifestyle, I am a bit of a homebody... Kidding. Kinda. Sorta...