Date men from United States / Colorado / Durango, 28 year old

Date a guy from Durango, United States. I'm 28 and currently live in Durango after just finishing my masters in TX; am currently on the job hunt. I'm an athletic trainer by profession and dabble on the side with massage therapy. I work a ton but love what I do and love life in every way. I love to have fun however it comes. I'm very open and willing to talk and keep an intelligent conversation. I am career driven and can not wait to see where life takes me next. I love to joke around but know when its time to be serious. I am very family oriented they are a huge part of my life. People always ask me whats next on my list of plans and only thing I can say anymore is see where the world takes me. I have a career I love now and right on the brink of finishing school forever now just out to find a cool girl and a job.
Let me see a little bit more about me. I played college baseball. I grew up in Colorado and would not mind going back. I love to cook, huge movie fan, love kids wanted to be a elementary teacher tell I worked at a daycare with 25 of my own kids daily. Think that is a start about me. Anything else you would like to know feel free to ask very open and willing to talk.

Meet someone special from Durango, United States. I have to come clean: I have no problem meeting new people or getting dates. The reason I'm on here is because I'm ready for something real and lasting. So... what are we all looking for? One answer is quite simply: someone to spend our time with, one with which to do the things we love. On that basis here are some of my favorite things to do:
- smile
- laugh
- explore new areas
- float down a river
- drink with my friends
- spending time with my little girl (my dog)
- make music
- ride mountain bike trails
- hold the one I love
watching a movie
seeing good, live music
- snowboarding
- soccer
- driving
- enjoy the sun's warmth
- did I mention making music? ;)
I am a farmboy from southern Indiana and of course living in the country shaped who I am today. Values, work ethic, moral behavior, appreciation for family and friends, and the like have been instilled in me since my beginning. However, I was not limited to that life because of hard work and a sense of wonder. The day I graduated high school I bought a plane ticket across the big pond and traveled Europe for months before I went to college. I went to a small private school on the Ohio river in order to focus on improving my character through education. Before I graduated with a major in Theology and minors in Anthropology and Sociology, I took a year off to travel once more before I finished school and started a career in Refugee Resettlement. It turns out that social work is physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting though and after about four years of that (normal turnover rate is 6 months) I decided it was time for a change... I moved to Durango.
I've been here for a year and I think I'll probably stick around. I am a very happy, content, satisfied person in my daily life but now that my year long sabbatical is over I am searching for a new career.
My best match is probably someone who is also very happy and worry-free, loves to go on little adventures but also appreciates R&R.
ps I just donated to Locks of Love so I now have buzzed hair.

Date single boy from Durango, United States. i'm a smart fun loving person who can keep the good times going. Some one who smiles at me makes me smile. I'm very grateful for just being alive in these times. I'm very creative and and have a positive outlook on life

Meet a soulmate from Durango, United States. My self-summary
I was born in Durango and moved away for a while. I am back in town again. I am not looking for a relationship. I am just looking to meet new people. Mainly people to hang out with and cause trouble. I am really into the outdoors, I climb, hike, bike, ski. I love Ultimate Frisbee, but haven't played in 2 years cause I don't have anyone to play with. I am also into video games.

Date a boy from Durango, United States. Greatful for my family and friends. Wouldnt be who I am today if it wasnt for family. Work hard but play harder! Love to travel and be outdoors. Im all about having fun and enjoying life! Life is too short

Meet a guy from Colorado, United States. So,how are you sposed to know what your ideal match is if you haven't met them yet? All the other matches have failed, so they where not ideal..... are you? Well let's give it a shot and see what happens.

Date someone special from Colorado, United States. I'm a very easy going kind of guy and I enjoy many different things in life. I love outdoor activities including hiking, climbing, camping, snowboarding, white water rafting, and many more. I work a lot and my schedule is kind of random, so when I have days off I try to take advantage of them. I'm interested in finding a woman who shares similar interests as myself. If we only become friends, that is alright as well.

Meet single boy from Colorado, United States. I like to be up front and direct. If you can't stand people who don't beat around the bush, you probably won't like me. I figure this internet dating scene requires too much time anyway; why waste more?
I'm not looking for a friendship by its self, but I would not pass up the opportunity if I think we'd make better friends than companions. My preference is to find someone who is interested in a casual sexual relationship. It's not my intention to be overly forward. If you're not interested in having sex though, we likely will not be compatible.

Date a soulmate from Colorado, United States. I'm really laid back, but I love taking risks and being adventures. I'm happy just chilling on the couch, but prefer to be outdoors. I want a women who is girly but loves the outdoors and can hang! I want a women who is family orientated.