Date men and women from United States / Colorado / La Junta, 19 year old

Date people from La Junta, United States. Finaly, i have some room to write, well what do i say? i just got out of a year long relationship, i wanted marrage, kids, the works, but she wanted somthing different, and couldnt be honest with me about that untill the end. what im looking fr is a partner, a lfriend, a lover, a drinking buddy, somone who understands that its in my nature to be a protector and a provider, and knows for damn sure that they want to me protected and provided for. all i want in retrn is to be loved, truly love. let me put it this way, when i move out to ohio, i want to meet somone who will want me for who i am. all i want out of life is to go to work, make money, come home to a loving wife, and hear that my kids did well in school and go to sleep next to a woman that loves me. i also want somone who would go out and get tattooed withme and likes metal and crazy piercings, i know thats kind of wierd, but still.