Date men from United States / Colorado / Highlands Ranch, 58 year old

Date a soulmate from Colorado, United States. Hi, I'm back!
Probably some of the nicest things people have said about me recently include: Calm, friendly, incredibly resilient, compassionate, patient, respectful, has a positive, upbeat and supportive attitude, a great volunteer, ready to jump in and help. "You're always smiling ... it's always going to be good time when you're around ... you can make even some of the most challenging, stressful or depressing situations seem like a fun game." Now [cough, cough], enough of that! And we'll leave some of those less than nice things off in a little box for a while :-)
My life is pretty full. I try to balance going back to school, work, and my kids (boy 10, girl 15) who are my first responsibility. And I make it a priority to exercise and stay fit and I want to make time in my life for a meaningful relationship.
Imagine for a second that we’re one of those ornamental koi fish swimming in a stream. We can feel the water's temperature and can tell there is a current. We can feed and sleep, we're swimming, yet we can sense there is a world of space and time beyond us, like the touch of raindrops landing on the surface of the water. Kind of like you and I. I know you're out there. Are we a match? If we were, wouldn't that be cool ... something beautiful and unexplained ...
I care about nutrition and keep working on my low-fructose, (high-chocolate), Paleo-styled, 150-best-foods (with exceptions!) diet. Something must be working though, since my cardiac CT calcium score is zero and I weigh about what I used to weigh in college.
I'm an active runner and competitive cyclist and skier. I've enjoyed preparing for the NYC Marathon, racing up Mt Evans and Lookout Mtn on my bike, and trying win my division at the NASTAR National Championships. I'd like to keep running and maybe join ACA cycling again or USSA Masters. Other things I like include hiking, backpacking and camping, golf, scuba, weight lifting, chess or trying just about anything to learn and grow as a person or as a couple.
I'm a Paul Krugman kind of progressive and an Obama volunteer organizer. Yup! And when it comes to philosophy and religion, I think John Lennon had it about right. "Imagine there's no countries ... and no religion, too." But as far as "no possessions" goes, well ... think of what could I do with an extra $50K sports equipment! Sigh ... attachment is the source of all suffering ... But a positive can do attitude makes things happen. We can change the world ...
Speed dating checklist: Do you watch Fox News? Are you a doper, smoker, or heavy drinker? A liar, cheater, or gold digger? Are you into Harleys, wamba SUVs or pickups, or have a permissive view of killing (e.g., animals for sport or fur, wars of choice, death penalty, cage fighting, etc.,) or, god forbid, snowmobiles in Yellowstone NP! If so, please select another profile :-)

Meet a man from Colorado, United States. Friends describe me as happy, loyal, thoughtful and generous.
My life has been filled with serendipity and as a result believe there are very few coincidences.
I try to open myself to the world and am constantly amazed at what I'm shown. Karma is a great friend. I really do believe you get back what you put out.
My friends know I have their back.
I imagine like most I'm looking for my companion. The person I say goodnight to with a kiss and can't wait to wake up to in the morning.
I try not to sweat the small stuff . . . and it's mostly small stuff.
I love spontaneous acts of affection and random acts of kindness. It's so easy!
I'm looking for the situation where we bring out the best in each other.
I've never been married, but have had long term relationships. I won't hold it against you if you're divorced, if you don't hold it against me for never being married. :)
I wake up happy and can't wait to see how the day plays out. I don't like regrets and very seldom have any.
There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle.
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) Physicist & Nobel Laureate

Date single man from Colorado, United States. I've always been one of those people, even as a kid, who looked for the good in people. The glass is always half full. People have fascinated me. I grew up in Santa Barbara, CA (I love the ocean), lived in Los Angeles, New York City, Raleigh, NC and Denver. I've traveled all over the United States, Mexico, Czech Republic and Malta. Everywhere I go I love to get to know the culture and the people.
Staying connected to family and friends has always been important to me. Even when life offers up challenges, I want to stay connected with family. Some of my best memories are always around a table with family, friends and great food.
I have two boys in their twenties and two grandsons. I love my sons and I enjoy the men they are becoming. Grandsons… Wow…
I’ve worked in a few different professions. Acting in L.A. and N.Y., mostly commercials and lots of improv. I’ve built custom homes, custom cabinets and Chippendale reproductions. What I love the most is what I’ve been doing for the past 20 years as a counselor.
I am hoping and praying to meet a woman who knows who she is and has grown through the ups and downs of life. Someone strong in her faith and loves to travel.
I have been blessed with good health and work to stay fit. I enjoy being outside and would rather be riding my mountain bike or hiking rather than working out in a gym. I stay very active, love to ski, camp and fish. Most of all I love to travel. I really like the planning and anticipation of a trip. I think down time is best spent near the ocean for extended periods of time. I love the mountains and can find plenty to do up there that is fun but for rest, put me on a beach.
I work hard and truly appreciate the time I’ve been given to vacation and rest. Self-care is important. I’m always seeking balance between work and play.
I am not seeking a casual relationship. I believe healthy, romantic relationships include friendship, passion and commitment. I want to experience the intimacy of sharing our faith in a relationship. That’s huge. And having fun. Humor blesses the soul and I would love to share the journey.

Meet someone special from Colorado, United States. I am orginally from the east coast. I was born and brought up in Brooklyn, N.Y. I am an only child, but I have alot of first cousins. I am an easy going individual, a good listener, I enjoy stimulating conversations and discussions. I have a Bachelor's degree in History and a Masters degree in Business. I am currently retired from the banking and finance industry and I am enjoying retirement. I have served as an elected official and as a local school adviser. I enjoy sports of various kinds, enjoy movies and reading. I like gardening and landscaping. I enjoy going out to dinner, finding new restaurants, going to concerts and travel, here in the U.S., Europe and other places of interest. I would like to travel more outside the U.S. and visit places I have been to before and places still to be seen. I play a fair game of tennis and golf and I like to take day trips to find new places of interest. I hope to meet women of various interests and backgrounds. I am looking for someone who enjoy's romance, stimulating conversation, enjoys evenings at home and also nights on the town. I would like to meet some-one who enjoy's music, sports, current events, outdoor outings, gardening, attending social gatherings and community events. I am looking for someone who would be a good companion and share good times together and get to know the person better.