Date men from United States / Colorado / Highlands Ranch, 43 year old

Date a soulmate from Highlands Ranch, United States. I've lived in Colorado most of my life and enjoy all it has to offer. I enjoy an active lifestyle and trying to be healthy, but I'm not a fitness fanatic. I don't pretend to eat right all the time, but I do try. I don't like to rush through life, but I do seek a partner that enjoys being outdoors and active. We might spend the day hiking a dusty mountain trail, but it's nice to come home for a quiet movie night, or even better back to the lodge for a quick shower, then out for a relaxing dinner overlooking a quaint mountain village. Don't worry, I will always remember where we parked and you can borrow my jacket on a cool evening.
It's only been the past few years that I have had the freedom to travel more. A trip is so much more special when you have someone special to share it with. Just a warning, you won't often find me on a tour bus or cruise ship, I prefer to get closer to the local culture when I travel. There is nothing like driving through Tuscany in a convertible on our way to Siena. I recently completed sailing certification exams and I look forward to exploring more of the world from a sailing vessel. What could be more natural than soaking up the Caribbean or Mexican sun from a sailboat, or exploring the east or west coast by sea? Of course, if you easily get seasick, we will find alternate ways to explore.
I am fortunate that even in hard times my career and investments have grown to afford me a good life/work balance and financial security. Most of the time I work normal business hours, even work from home a few days a week. Even better, I can plan vacations or travel, months in advance or sometimes on a whim and know that I have that flexibility. I also manage my own investments part time and find that can be exciting and challenging, of course the rewards are even better. I don't like to pay someone to do something I can do for myself, even if that means three trips to Home Depot.
My friends often call for advice on a financial problem, dog behavior, life or relationships. I place high value on friends and a family life, but finding the right fit hasn't been easy. Whether that is starting a new family, adopting a growing family or simply a partner that values extended family and community, it comes in many shapes. I believe in "friends first" and taking things slow, but I am looking for a committed relationship. If you are wounded from a recent divorce or breakup, or prefer the freedom of casual dating, please move on.
I am looking for my best friend, someone I feel a connection to. Someone that has the same vision of the kind of life they want to live and is looking for a partner to share it with. Someone that approaches all relationships with integrity and respect and is healthy both emotionally and physically. You might have a little baggage, but it's easily stowed in the overhead compartment. We will laugh together and you will even get some of my jokes, always delivered with a straight face and sometimes with a dash of sarcasm. You're not afraid to try to speak Italian, even if we end up on the wrong train to Florence. You will let me drive with the windows down, sunroof open, instead of the A/C on. You definitely wear your hiking boots or running shoes more often than stilettos. You will wait patiently when I dig recyclables out of a random trash can or get my cloth grocery bags out of the trunk. You will enjoy watching me fumble around the kitchen or we'll fix something together, but you're not afraid to tell me it's awful and we end up at Qdoba. You understand that a big heart comes with a little dog drool and whip like tail. You must be as patient as I am when a small child wants to reach up to hug my dog. We will keep ourselves healthy and active, even if it means being passed by everyone on a mountain bike. You might even enjoy a glass of wine and I think you'll agree it tastes better sipping it outside on the patio or next to a fire. Does this sound like you?

Meet someone special from Highlands Ranch, United States. Hi there! I am in marketing and graphic design, and recently launched a new product. The creative side of the business has been awesome as that is my passion, but the product is related, so it works quite well. I am STILL refinishing my house down in the 'Ranch and taking applications for painting helpers (and I should mention it will include free drinks!). Please apply because I really need to finish up. By late summer.
I have an awesome little girl who just turned 9. I am so proud of her and the person she is growing up to be. The rest of my family are all in The Republic, so it's just the two of us here in CO, and she is with me almost half the time (yet not near enough)...but it does give me the time for dating.
Love to ride the motorcycle, drinks on the patio, Jeep, golf, take pictures for design projects and cruise on BMX bikes around the 'hood. And really, when do you ever get the chance to do a little BMX riding nowadays? Mountain activities include the usual suspects (the altitude trifecta): camping, hiking, and skiing (but not into extremeness nor should you be, couch time is cool too!); I also love working in the yard and on the house, going out to dinner, movies, reading, and of course creative design projects as already mentioned. I am super easy going and can go with the flow...
Looking for a normal, driven yet laid-back spend time with, grow with, explore CO with (and points beyond) and develop a relationship with. I enjoy communicating and hope that you like to as well. I would also hope that you would look forward to seeing one another as often as schedules and time permit. This seems to be the missing link somehow, but it's so simple! Lots of fun stuff to explore and do together with the Summer here! But again, communication is the key. I have met non-communicators and it is very hard to get to know someone without it. Are you available for this? Really? Because it just might be the most important trait I am looking for...Update: it IS the most important thing.
I am from the South so you'll hear a slight accent at times...this will increase with alcohol intake. Only slightly though. Haha. It would be great to meet someone, share the spark, and develop things into a relationship (via communication and activities together as previously mentioned). I mention this twice because if you are so busy as to have to schedule a meeting with someone (me) weeks in advance, how are you ever going to have the time to actually get to know someone (me) and grow it into anything? I am quite busy too, but I am working on this!!! So I have been off and on match for awhile, and met some really nice people...but I am still looking for the sparkiness...know what I mean?
fun fact: my iPod is an eclectic mix of all genres of music and 93% of it is from the 80s (country, rock, top 40, first wave, hair bands, all of the good stuff). And, I bought in out of a vending machine in Safeway in Lone about putting lots o' cash in a machine and praying the G9 button worked and the "candy bar" didn't get stuck in the swirly thing haha!!!
So if you want to apply for the painting helper position, or just meet and have drinks and a good conversation, shoot me an email post-haste...and if you have family ranch land or a cabin, we need to meet ASAP haha! Really though!

Date a man from Highlands Ranch, United States. I am fairly new to Denver, completely new to online dating, and would like to meet someone to explore the area with. I enjoy most sports and, due to my profession, I love to dine out. I have a sarcastic, yet witty, since of humor and love to laugh. I am very open minded and looking to meet new people. I am always up for new experiences and adventures. I like being outdoors, but I also enjoy hanging out inside and watching a good movie.

Meet single man from Highlands Ranch, United States. Version 2.0
I have had a couple of go arounds with this match thing before. My feeling is if you're going to do this, the first one doesn't count. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Great experiences. Met some great (and not so great) people. It was a lot more than I bargained for for sure. So now, I feel like I might have a better grasp on how to manage this thing. People grow...evolve. So...lets see what's in store for Bimmer...v.2.0.
I've always believed that the best part of life is when you are able to step out of your own shell and experience things that you normally wouldn't...or haven't. So, here I dating/exploring. I'm supposed to describe my ideal match. Can one truly do that? I think with this experience it's okay to throw caution into the wind and wait to see what life drops in your lap. Every now and again, you have to let go and trust fate. Guess's in charge anyway. Enjoy the journey. E.E. Cummings wrote: "Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit.”
As for me in a nutshell...I'm a dad first..., fun, energetic, honest, genuine, professional, hard working, a good friend, light-hearted, sarcastic...phew...that's a big nutshell. Hope I can live up to it.
Oh, and I truly believe that you get out what you put into this life. So don't hold back and never short change yourself. I know these profiles are necessary, and I feel like I'm trying to sell myself in a one-page hand-out. You can only find out so much from a few photos and paragraphs. I don't believe chemistry cannot be experienced online. Here's to experiencing life. Who wants to join me?

Date a soulmate from Colorado, United States. I am athletic and love to hit the gym at least 5 days a week! I am looking for a nice girl to have some good times with! I just wish there were some old fashion girls that like you for who you are and not how fat your wallet is. Are you out there? :) lol Nuf about that.

Meet someone special from Colorado, United States. I moved to the Denver area a little over 7 yrs ago and must say the people here are great. I enjoy playing golf, going to the gym, sporting events, concerts, dining, watching a great movie.
I am very settled in my life and have achieved what I want in my career. I am a bit on the quiet side but like to have a good laugh just like anyone else. I have had the opportunity to travel to many places outside the US. I would have to say my favorite place to "get away" would be the Caribbean. There is nothing like hearing the waves of the ocean hitting the beach, getting a nice ocean breeze and sitting back and drinking a good rum and diet coke.
I like to spend time outdoors and open to new and exciting challenges. Do you have any in mind?
Here is my idea of the type of woman that I would like to meet. I would like to meet someone that knows what they want out life and someone that values family and friendships.
I am attracted to witty playful personalities that enjoy just joking around, and just hanging out and having a cocktail on the deck and watching the beautiful Colorado sunsets. It can be so tough to get out and meet new people so I am very open to making new friends as well but in all honesty it would be great to find that one person that compliments my life. If you would like to chat, just send a wink or even better send an email.

Date a man from Colorado, United States. About me...Well, what can I say. Life is an adventurous journey thru little obstacles, where's the finish line???... I once walked on a bed of fire only to find out it was the remains of a neighbors house that burned down (sorry Mitch, we never really got to talk much did we?). Usually I am pretty impatient and short tempered. I like to randomly pick fights with "little people", but I usually let them win because it makes me feel good. My car is right hand drive just because it excites me and it fulfills my "Mail man" urges. Sometimes, I will chase bugs outside my backyard, naked. I vacuum my house 5 times a week, yes I have weird addictions, none are drug related at least :p My 2 boys call me "dude" instead of "dad".
What am I looking for: Someone who doesn't believe any of this.... or maybe does???

Meet single man from Colorado, United States. Im seeking someone who has a sense of adventure. Being spontaneous is a way life for me, I hope youre open to joining the adventure. Im into if you are also one that appreciates a run or bike every day, then we will get along just fine.

Date a soulmate from United States. My name is Dwayne and I just moved back to the Colorado Front Range, Highlands Ranch, CO, about six months ago from Columbus, OH. I am working on my fifth professional move. Thank God for social networking. I have been able to keep up with my family and friends on Facebook, but it would be nice to have somebody locally to have a good time with.
NOTE: Currently, I just actively subscribed to this service for one month. Just thought I would post an ad. In the past, I have not had any luck meeting anybody on these dating sites, so I was just hoping to make some new friends. After June, I am going to bow out and let you all have fun with this electronic wasteland...;-))). I see some things haven't changed nor have a chance of changing.
UPDATE: 8/28/2011 is my final date on Good luck....
I am an electrical engineer by degree and work for a consulting firm here now. I am currently just looking to meet and greet with the potential to date if things click like that. With my current career and personal aspirations, I am not looking to get serious... unless of course, you are 'ONE'. I would just hope that anybody considering to respond to my ad, would carefully read the ad and understand what my interests are in addition to the kind of lady I would like to spend time with. If you are about running games and playing games, please feel free to save us both a lot of time and trouble. I am too busy to fool with women who are not serious or not about anything positive. But like I said, there is no pressure. Just be yourself, and I will be myself. if it is all good, then time will tell. Things that are meant to be, will be. Holla, if you hear me AND you are legit. i just hope that you are willing to forgive as well as accept being forgiven. It would be nice to be with somebody that is somewhat of a neat freak. Being very conscience of her personal hygiene as well as her personal space being in order. Somebody that believes in being physically fit and into sports.. as much as watching them. Somebody willing to accept me for who I am and not trying to change that. Responses with recent photos attached would be most appreciated and given more consideration for a response.

Meet someone special from United States. Ok so here I am and yes I'm available. Much to my shegrin I'm available and on a web-dating site. Boy have we come a long way.
I'm still single. Yep... you read that right .....still single..........Whats wrong with me?????
Some say I'm too picky and others say that I date all the wrong people. Me? I say I know what I want and I can't seem to find it.
I do know I want to meet a person who, like me, is driven and knows what they want.
The most important thing about knowing what you want is..........Coming and getting it.
So since it says it here I guess you guessed that I am a very driven person, well I am. Now, while I work hard at what I do, I also like to play hard and maybe too hard at times. I only get to live once. Right??????? what about you??????
So I'll cut to the chase. I'm looking for that person who wants to be a part of my life, but more importantly will let me be a part of your life too.
Like most of these profiles I read...I too, love my family and value my time with them.
But I am also interested in starting one of my own.
I am happy, healthy, and wish I was wealthy at times, but I'm missing one very important aspect of my own american dream.
Could it be you that I'm missing?
What do you say we find out???
I am a very easy person to get to know, but I must warn you......I am three dimensional and it may take a while for you to figure me out. If that's even possible. I can spend the rest of my characters here to tell you what I like and don't like, but that would eliminate our need to meet and chat.
See? I have been reading these profiles here of late and they all sound the same. It must be a robotic response when people sit and fill these questionaires out.
I would much rather tell you in person.
So what do you say????
Are you Driven????
Do you know what you want??????
Are you afraid to come and get what you want??????
If not, then let's meet, let's greet, let's get to know each other.
What do you say??????????????

Date a man from United States. I'm a happy father, and a working professional, who really enjoys Colorado. I thought I'd found my mate for life, but she had a change of heart and we set each other free. We just lost our way - no regrets.
I like to laugh and I really like to be around happy people. I'm not sure what I am looking for, but I'm a good, honorable man, and I've been described as a romantic. I have a lot of fun, and I guess I'm looking for someone to share and enjoy the best that life has to offer.
This time around, I plan on being a better listener, and less of a "fixer" or caretaker, and I hope that works. Essentially, I'm on a journey to become a better man, the best father that I can be to my children, and I hope I can find someone who would like to be part of my story.