Date someone special from Eldorado Springs, United States. I’m an extremely active, positive and communicative man. I have a diverse set of interests, and am passionate about many aspects of life, drawn from what I've experienced and want to experience.
Friends would call me selfless, trustworthy, centered, honest, emotionally balanced, supportive and loyal. I have a tremendous love and enthusiasm for life... for what I get out of life and what life can serve up. Having fun and finding humor or levity in situations is all part of my day and helps achieve balance. At work, I’m focused, determined, and driven, and that both rolls over to and is influenced by my Personal activities, as I love challenges - in both work and leisure.
I'm very affectionate with the right woman. I enjoy holding hands, reaching out and touching the back of her neck or shoulder as I walk up behind her, and my favorite - having her fall asleep with her head on my chest. I suppose I could be embarrassed to mention all this in my profile, but I really don't embarrass easily. Moreover, I absolutely don't want to waste my time on cold, shallow, unhappy, or otherwise emotionally stunted women...
I love fine dining, and then reverse-engineering and creating 5 star meals at home. I plan to take cooking lessons, but friends tell me I should be giving them instead. I appreciate fine wines, without being fanatical, and have been to many of the world’s wine regions..
Enough about me. You are a woman who strives to be honest and giving. You are a true friend and companion there every step of the way... and of course I will reciprocate completely. You're open-minded, have a sense of humor and can smile and laugh in the midst of the struggles life brings. I'm attracted to intelligence, creativity, sensuality and the ability to communicate no matter what your mood. You too take care of yourself in body, mind and spirit.
A strong physical and sexual connection with intimacy, romance and passion is also important to me and a big part of a healthy and long lasting relationship. So….. let's laugh a lot, be excited to be together, miss each other when we’re not and never fear sharing our feelings good, bad or in between.
Life is an" immense journey" and each of us has only one lifetime to travel it! Trust that there is no one right way. Trust that no one expects you to have all the answers. Trust that joy is a way forward. Love life .