Date men from United States / Colorado / Avon, 51 year old

Date someone special from Avon, United States. I'm looking for a girl who is caring and honest and or loyal. I small girl who likes to work on arts and crafts. I'm looking for a wife who want to help me build my art and design empire. I'm looking for a girl who'll follow me into the depths of political intrige and global consperciey therories.. I'm looking for a girl who can at least spell better than me. I'm looking for a girl who's athletic and cherpy. I'm loking for a girl who's soft and mornfull. I'm looking for a girl who's melinoncholy or however you spell it. I'm looking for a girl who's got a short skirt and a long jacket.
I can play the flute. I can cook well. I'm kinda smart I'm artistic. I'm moody sometimes and melow dramatic but I a kind of guy who also knows that. So that could be helpfull. I have family on bolth coast who I kinda stay in touch with. These days well it's kinda of wierd really. 2012 and all.. So I'm kind of looking for a girl who knows she can handle herself and who's not dyslexic as I am. I looking for a strong girl who's independant but is willing to let me believe I am in controll soem times anyway I know I don't stand a chance ......The Y chomisom has many more nerv ending than the x and so it makes it easy for the Y to see the X comming and where there going. I'm looking for a Y chomisom that can help me find my way through life but let me think I know that way at least soem times.
I would be lieing if I didn't say I was scared all I can say is that I'm a pasaifist and don't like scary movies and grusome war like stuff and not into ganster like stuff.. I'm from Chicago travel europe asia south america and northern Africa. The Caribean and the mediterain.. But I forgot how to spell stuff in English . I can dance or used to but not so good a spelller. Or maybe I'm just a lazy typer. Typing was put down for guys in my era. I 'm might ahve ALS to they don't know how to diagnose it and you could waist the rest of your life trying to find out. And I'm done with westernized medicin anyway. I'm looking for girl who might want to travel to Asia this sommer. I don't really think it's a good Idea to see if dating over there is a good idea. I'm loyal it's pathtic really.
Chers; Ho ya and I used to live in Astrailia.

Meet a man from Avon, United States. I suppose it doesn't make much sense to look at daily e-mails from and never complete a profile to see what happens. My idea of Hell would be endless speed dating, with rap and techno music blaring in the background. Fair to say I'm more comfortable knowing a few people amongst a large group of strangers, and for sure a little shy around girls I've never met.
I'm fortunate to have the best friends anyone could ask for, and an amazing dog. Seems like everyone decided to have kids at once though, and it's getting harder to find someone to hike, ski, go to a concert, or comedy show.
My goal is to finish the 14'ers over the next two summers, 17 left. I keep hoping the co-ed softball team will finally find a young whippersnapper to take over at shortstop, but looks like my rotator cuff will have to last one more season. If you can play we need you, free drinks and food at the base of the gondola after the game! Looking forward to Summer hockey league at Dobson. Yes, just turned 51 but hopefully a long way from velcro sneakers and plastic underpants.
I had better make the standard disclaimer about not wanting drama, lest I hear from everyone who does.