Date women from United States / California / Hillcrest, 30 year old

Date a woman from United States. I don't know I am just your everyday overly sarcastic, hilarious, awesome chick...haha, no really I do lay it on pretty thick, so if you are sensitive then you should probably stay away. I use smiley faces a lot when typing because I feel it points out sarcasm. :) You will either think I am hilarious or you won't..not much for in between. iIguess I am making myself sound scary huh? I am very loyal, and a great friend...if I decide to call you a friend, then I will be there for you throughout anything, and I am not perfect so I try my best not to judge...but that is a work in progress!
I love to try new things, so please feel free to challenge me to something new! I like being at the beach, but I can't just lay out, unless I am recapping the night before with friends. I have lived in southern cali my whole life and never learned to surf...I think I watched jaws too much as a child.
I am more of a geek than I think I have fully come to terms with..I can recite almost any movie line (five points if you know where my headline came from without google), watch sci-films and all the other stuff that was supposed to be reserved for boys and super nerds. I like sports, but go mainly for the company of friends and for the beer! Unless its Chargers, then I get rallied up! :)
I am looking for someone who knows how to read (hey literacy is down in our country)...who has a really witty sense of humor (you will be made fun of a lot)...who is going to accept that I am going to always need to control the radio and that I will flip through the stations and probably never listen to a whole song...who likes the Goonies and Three Amigos and the Karate Kid. Basically smart and normal, which seems simple enough yet very rare! oh and please don't bother writing me if you have any pictures with your shirt off..I already think you are a tool!