Date women from United States / Arkansas, 55 year old - page 19

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. Friend number 1, I like honesty, do not like people who are fake. I am a 54 year old woman and do not like a person to misrepresent themselves. You do not get to be this age without many life experiences, so I expect the same.

Meet a woman from Arkansas, United States. I would like to think that when people think of me they use the words happy, smiling, energetic, caring, spontaneous,romantic and maybe even a little mischevious. I am for the most part easy going, but stand up for my beliefs. I am blessed with many wonderful friends across the US but missing the one unique person that I can share the special times. Respectful, romantic, and willing to spend time with family are qualities that I look for. I love to laugh. I am a firm believer that actions speak louder than words. It's the simple things sometimes that mean the most. Where we spend time is not as important as how we spend the time together.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. Hi there! Like everyone else I'm looking for that one person that makes you smile when they cross your mind or when you catch their glance across the room. I know you are out there!
I don't think I'm looking for "perfect" but for someone that is understanding, kind & gentle, someone fun, someone that can make me laugh and laugh with me. The one that you get excited to see at the end of the day.
I'm looking for someone that is willing to put in the time to start and keep a relationship going. I truly believe you get what you give!!!
I enjoy working in my yard, walking my dogs, I like to refinish old furniture, sewing and making quilts are usually my winter projects. I do enjoy snuggling on the sofa with a good movie too! Especially when it's raining!!
I have a great job that I love and I'm always trying to learn more to make myself a better leader. I'm a fairly independent woman but it's always more fun to have someone to share anything with!
I love Blues and Jazz, actually most any kind of music except Rap. I really like sitting on the porch swing with a glass of wine in the evening listening to the music that natures creatures make!
I'm a big animal lover and have 3 dogs so if you don't like animals my dogs will probably figure that out!:-)
I guess I'm a little old fashioned but I do prefer a good phone conversation over typing for hours. Especially since I'm on a computer all day long.
I don't ask for much in life so I'm excited for what I do get.
Thanks for looking in on me and I wish you luck on your adventure, where ever it may take you!

Meet a soulmate from United States. How does one go about telling others about the qualities that make them a good person? I believe a true lasting relationship is worth the time and effort, no matter what. I am a good woman looking for a great man to share my life with. I want someone to laugh and cry with, to explore new experiences in life. I am very lucky to have great friends in my life. I love my job and take great pride in how I affect children's lives. I am a New York Yankee's and an Arkansas Razorback fan. I enjoy watching my children coach. I am not a fan of house cleaning, but do it because it has to be done. There are things in life that we just have to do. I would rather be outside doing something else!! My dad always told me 'you are as young as you feel'. Well that is great! However as I have gotten wiser I have found that the mind is willing (most of the time) but the body says "What the heck are you trying to do???" I hope that I am not the only one out there that feels that way sometimes.

Date a woman from United States. im 52 mother of 3 grandmother of 3 almost 4 but lost it in may ..been married 2 times divorced 2 times my 1st lasted 21 years 2nd lasted only 2 weeks he just left i found out things he didnt like it he left

Meet someone special from United States. Just look for a friend if it turns into more fine. No one will really know me till they meet. I just in joy life. I wnat the people around me to be happy and enjoy life as well. Happiness and friends can turn in to more and enjoy life togeather always.

. I am a big believer that a person can not have eonugh friends. Always looking to make new acquaintances. Love to spend time with friends and family. Willing to take on new adventures. I stay busy with various activities and hobbies, but also like quiet time at home with a good movie.

. I'd like to meet someone who is willing to have a little fun. I enjoy the water, family, friends, Some would call me a book worm I enjoy reading. If this interests you I'd be glad to hear from you. Please be patient with me as I haven't gotten a subscription to this site just yet. My favorite place to eat I must admit is O The Border. The frozen Margaritas are awsome. I enjoy spending time doing something around water. I'm quiet and shy at times. I have lots of charm and appeal and attraction. I have a pleasant attitude, a flirtatious smile. I'm adventurous and sensitive. I'm loyal in love. I want to love and be loved. I'm a faithful and tender partner. I'm very generous. I have many talents. I love children. I need an affectionate partner.

. I am real, honest, independent. Want someone that I can converse with, someone I can be comfortable being myself and the same with him.
Someone that has strong moral values and integrity. Of course, there should be mutual respect. Someone that can carry an intelligent conversation.

. I love to laugh alot. I would love to meet someone who has a since of humor. I am a very trustworthy and to the point gal. I always have something to say. My very favorite thing to do when just sitting around, is too cuddle.

. I'm a lady looking for a strong man who's not afraid of a strong woman who has a brain and isn't afraid to use it. As the song says, "I want a man to stand beside me, not in front of or behind me." I love to learn and try new things, and travel to see new places whenever possible, so those things, as well as coffee and good conversation would be good things for a man to have in common. I'm also a single mom of an awesome 10 year-old boy, whose welfare is of utmost importance, so the man I'm looking for would not have a problem with serving as a positive male role model for my son. Live, laugh, love -- life is a great adventure!

. I am a nature child who enjoys being intune with mother earth. I enjoy gardening and Fall is my favorite season. Christmas is my favorite holiday and I love to bake and make homemade jellies to give to others as treats. I am dependable, honest, a fun person to be around. I am a hopeless romantic who enjoys being romanced. I am a giver but also enjoy receiving. I am looking for someone who is not afraid to show affection in public, who is independent and has simular interest as I. Looking for someone who enjoys family and wants to have them around during holidays.