Date women from United States / Arkansas / Story, 53 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I like to travel, read, write, meditate, passionately explore life and intimately know those I am around. I look forward to visiting places I have not been such as Egypt, Africa, India and China. I would ultimately like to move to the ocean (Mexico looks good right now but I am open to other areas) and create a healing center with one or more that share the same vision or just retire and travel. I believe in community living and feel it is the way of the future although I have not practiced this lifestyle nor do I live as green as I would like. I am trying to simplify my life. I am an animal lover and own several. I used to rescue but do not now.
As for music I have very eclectic taste, interested in healing music and harmonics, and also like artist like Bruno Mars, Alicia Keys, Brett Dennen, Rachael Yamagata, Queen Latifah, Ray LaMontagne, Krishna Das, Deva Premal & Miten, Elton John, k.d. Lang, Izrael, Sade, Madonna, Michael Buble', Prince, Norah Jones, Jenneifer Hudson, Fergie and many many more, etc.
I am spontaneous, playful, lively and yet beyond content with a real connection of the hearts just sitting under a tree having a discussion. Communication is key for me and a must from my companion. I am easy to talk with and will always respect your feelings. I am dedicated to a conscious and aware life(becoming clear, loving, healthy emotionally as well as physically, respectful, honoring of all life forms) and have been for many years. I think the gift of this life is more about inner and character development first. I am very sensitive to the need for balance for myself and others. There is a desire to share myself with another person but it is not need based so I will not make a “square peg fit a round hole” just to have a partner, be it friend or lover. I do not believe in wasting time by occluding expression and I am a very intimate person, not to be confused with sexual, but very real, thereby maximizing potential. I do still have material attachments but am working on getting rid of so much excess in my life. I am not a Christian. I have followed many of the eastern philosophies and they hold a part of me. I believe in the LAW OF ONE. We are all the same at the core but we have different interference patterns= personality differences. I am closely aligned with the multiversal and quantum physics principles. I have been a vegetarian for health and spiritual benefits many years. I am open to friendship/companionship or a lover/long term partner. I am a good friend to have and very real. My preference for a love interest is that he be vegetarian or moving toward it... for friendship it does not matter. I enjoy younger men in partnership as well. I am a very passionate, vulnerable and caring partner and choose to have depth in any relation. Tantra is my preference for lovemaking philosophy also similar in spiritual ideas for I believe they are one in the same. If I enter into romantic relationship it is because I feel that we are going to be together long term. I need a person with a high degree of intelligence, depth and ability to communicate. Overall character is of the utmost importance to me. The saying that, "you can tell a person's character by the way that they treat others that they think can do nothing for them" rings very true with me. I am kind and wish to have kindness around me. I am considerate, very honest, direct and communicate well with others. I do not support most sports because of the separation they appeal to. I believe in win win. I am still Tiger’s number one fan though...go figure. Does that make me a hypocrite? lol My expectations here are for friendship even in this large pool of wonderful people, because I am very different. I know that my needs are very specific and am not asking for anyone here to meet them. I also ask that you respect my wishes for my