Date women from United States / Arkansas / Rector, 53 year old

Date someone special from Rector, United States. I'm a very friendly, fun, loving, caring and outgoing person I never meet a stranger. Love life and love my family very much. I'm a very honest person otherwise it usually comes back to bite you. And very much believe that what you do in the dark will always come to light. I've been divorced for 17yrs. had a couple long term relationships and would have married the last but it just didn't work out.
I try very hard to stay in shape and watch my weight and I want someone who does the same. Lets be honest here and state the facts. You know right off the bat if you're attracted to someone and it doesn't matter how nice they are if its not there it won't be later. I'm not attracted to over weight men. If there's no chemistry there, then there will be no passion. I'm looking for the one person that I want to wake up next to every morning and be so thankful he's there by my side. Someone who will love and adore me the way I will him. Someone who will love me just the way and not want to change me. It doesn't take alot to make me happy...but don't lie to me...I can't stand someone who is dishonest. My grandmother once told me "you can love a rich man just as easy as a poor one" Well I've had that opportunity and without love money doesn't mean anything. As for me I don't have alot material wise, but I'm rich in all that counts. I'm just a country girl with alot of class and I'm very much a if your looking for a bed buddy then I'm not your girl. But if you're truly searching for someone special then send me a note.