Date men from United States / Arkansas / North Little Rock, 64 year old

Date single man from North Little Rock, United States. My only dependents are Luke and Harley, a collie and Linnemur mix, respectively. We are all former strays and a little rough arond the edges. They think I'm the smartest guy on the planet, so we get along together pretty well. None of us have any adult supervision, but we're happy as clams. We all bark too much and misbehave on occasion.
I'm the only one that's been married -- twice.
I'm a former Boy Scout -- though the highest rank I achieved was Tenderfoot. Our Scoutmaster died just before I made Second Class scout. I still strive to be kind, reverent, true, and brave.
I tend to challenge injustices, though I try to keep a low profile and stay out of serious trouble.
I am easygoing and seldom ruffled, but admit to needing a little improvement in the ruffling part.
I am independent-minded (perhaps maverick) in politics, religion -- most everything.
In my notion of a euphoric state, the only rules would be The Golden Rule and the Ten Commandments.