Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. OK Boy's !! : ) I'm back! !! For a month 12-30-2011
A big secret!!! Wanna know?? com-on you know you wanna know..... LOL
A woman... most women , just want to be loved, no baggage no drama ... just to be loved!! : ) That's it ! simple huh? : )
I am a Happy person, I am strong to a point. I like to try new things, I like dancing and cooking and swimming and yard work. mainly things you can do together, I believe in giving that person their space, and me mine.I am very affectionate.
How ever I am tired of one sided relationships and would like someone that shares the same feelings for me as I do for them ... No wishy washy.. riding the fence ... I want to be free to stand beside him, not behind him, or in front of him. I am independent and straight forward, because I have found the truth is the best way to do it, with discretion : ) Mainly just get to know each other first. : ) I will not change who I am for anyone ... but I will add, as ornery as I am, I also have a sweet side and have quite a sense of humor, so I have been told. I do love people, and I have the fault of seeing the good first, and if it's not there I make something up, because I think there is good in basically everyone. : ) That's it!! that's all the change ... except for circumstances... : ) now you know about me what about you? : ) Oh! no picts no response : ) no offense : )