Date people from Payson, United States. I'm young at heart. I am self employed working from my home. I keep active working out 3x a wk. I like to go to the movies, out to nice restaurants, and just kick it with that special someone. Want a lady who is fit, attractive and passionate. One that is honest and loyal. No cheaters!
Meet single man from Payson, United States. I moved to, Phoenix, Arizona in 1973. Spending the next 32 years in the Valley of the “Desert”. I spent time learning construction trades and and raising a couple of families. Being a father and husband have been the most rewarding experiences of my life.
In the spring of 2005, I moved with the youngest of my sons , to a small town in the northern mountains of Arizona, at the edge of the Mogolion Rim. I have found the peace, my heart has wanted to share with all my loved ones, once again. I am home, but missing you.
I have no regrets, every morning through out my life I have greeted my day with the same attitude, and zest for life. I have no baggage, through acceptance, understanding, and forgiveness, the only baggage I carry into each new day is one heart full of love. Each and every moment is full of choices. I have learned to choose those that will bring about the most peace, in the now, and the future, for all those around me. The past, is as a tear drop off a bridge into a steam, not changeable, not retrievable, only to be appreciated, allowed to go to the sea and become as small as it really is. In the moment, I can choose, and it is only in each of those choices, can I hope to better the future for those around me, and in doing so hope to have a little control of my future.
I think of myself as a man that holds true to old world values, Love is forever, one man, one woman.
I am looking for a partner to share the remaining decades of my life with.
A lady, who will honor, respect, and care about me, as I will her.
One who too, has learned that in collecting the green stamps, and allowing the brown stamps to become as tears over the bridge, has found peace in her life, and in who she is. A women who understands that life is merely, a blink of an eye, in relationship to all time. Therefore, living this life, for this life alone, is a stress filled existence with an absolute end. That to live it for the eternity after, is living with forgiveness, understanding, and acceptance, bringing joy, peace, and love to her heart, and to those around her. A lady, who knows that walking beside her man, is the best way to support him and in turn herself. I hope to meet a lady, who has takes care of herself and those around her. A lady who embraces each day with 150% positive attitude and thus meets all the problems life can throw at her, as challenges, knowing she can over come them. A lady who accepts, as herself, her man.
I would like to share the experience of reciprocated “Real Love”, unconditional love, never dying, because the feelings felt, “the fire”, of love, is fed consistently by the Choice to Love one another, understanding it is in the choosing to love that we as human beings, love at all. All love dies, merely by one choosing, to not love. A lady with whom communication is always a sharing, of our perspective, and that no matter how close we become, or how long we are together, we can never get inside each other and see the others world through the windows of their life, their eyes. One who trusts because she plays no games with herself or with the man in her life, he is her best friend, companion, and lover. I believe there is a huge difference between, “sex”, and “making love”. The latter of which, is by far greater in all ways possible, it is the ultimate gift of self.
My word is my bond, no paper is worth more than the touch of my hand.
I f I never find you, or you never find me, I will live in peaceful expectance of an eternity, where love exists in its “Real” form, as beautiful as every sunrise and sunset. I only hope you will be there to enjoy them with me.
I believe in the gifts of Faith, Hope, and the greatest of all, Love.