Date men from United States / Arizona / Benson, 73 year old

Date a soulmate from Benson, United States. I wish to develop a deep and abiding friendship that would include personal get-togethers,email/phone contact and travel. Mutual respect, total honesty, trust, and a growing love for each other’s person are extremely important. Ultimately, I'm hoping to share a close committed relationship with someone with whom I am in spiritual synchrony and can travel with me as we engage Nature and otherwise enjoy our togetherness. I'm looking for someone who has a passion for nature, is highly intelligent, is spiritual, and who is physically and emotionally available to be a best friend/partner/lover. I am widowed and come from the experience of a great marriage of some 20 years.
I am a person who cherishes solitude. and one who needs his space. While recognizing my space, my companion will also know that I have a deep respect for her space. I enjoy hours of solitude while enjoying hours with a companion who can offer her own views on a variety of subjects.
I have been an educator and scientist (marine biology) for many years. Currently I work with talented youth helping them develop their innate talents and goals. My mind is still very creative and active. I'm currently writing a book on patterns in nature. My aesthetic side is involved in nature photography.
I respect someone who is not afraid to disagree me. Going out to dinner is fun, but buying ingredients together then cooking while talking is more fun. Going to a movie is great, but watching a good DVD and talking about the movie is more fun. I love good spy stories and movies that portray cultural issues and historical events. Chamber music, Santana, the Bee Gees, flamenco guitar, gospel music, mariachi, and a lot more turn my soul because music is an integral part of my life experience.
While God is an integral and intimate part of my being, I’m very uncomfortable around fundamentalists of any faith. I am apolitical believing that all governments offer services just like any other business.
I live both in southern Arizona and in Mexico spending equal time in both places.

Meet single man from Benson, United States. My career took me to the mountains in many different locations of the US. I am an avid outdoors man. I truly enjoy the variety of things to see and do in southern Arizona during the winter months and would like to share the experience. I enjoy all types of music and like dancing particularly to Country. I am and open and honest individual an hope to find the same.