Date men and women from United States / Arizona / Amado, 33 year old

Date someone special from Amado, United States. I'll start with a few words to describe myself: compassionate, curious, complex, and creative. I care deeply about people, my family, my friends, and nature. I am striving for a balanced life of work and play, growth and rest. For me, play and growth means trying new things and having some adventures. An adventure I have yet to embark on, but am currently considering, is to one day jump out of an airplane, or perhaps learn how to fly an airplane. Despite having a desire for these risky adventures, I am actually a cautious person (which is a nice way of saying I'm slightly terrified of an unfortunate end to an exciting adventure... but nonetheless I'm still interested.) I believe that in order to live a full life, we have to challenge ourselves to move outside of our comfort zone.
I'm looking for someone who I can connect with on many levels. For me this is being able to have fun and laugh and be silly (watch Spaceballs, or 30 Rock, or Jonah Hill movies), but also with the possibility of staying up all night talking and exploring life's meaning and purpose, armchair philosophizing, and heady conversations. You know, the "staring up at the stars" kind of conversation.
I'm looking for someone who values self-awareness and has a curiosity to understand the self; this is one of my personal values, along with learning, self-growth, and genuineness.
I have a vivid imagination, and I like sharing my ideas with people. Some of my closest friends recognize my enthusiasm for the ridiculous, but appreciate my ability to laugh at myself. (I often think of the quote from Alice in Wonderland: "Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast!")
I like being active: bike rides; dancing (I've taken a few belly dancing classes); walking; hiking; jogging; or just spending time outside, meditating by a river. But I also enjoy being lazy sometimes: watching bad television with friends; sleeping in; discovering funny animal videos on youtube. I like to socialize and spend time with people, but I have that introverted side as well and appreciate "me time".
I like getting to know people, to hear other people's story, to share mine, to laugh with someone. I think laughter is the great connecter of people. That being said, it is kind of necessary for you to have some basic understanding of the world of Seinfeld. And as much as I value laughter and a sense of humor, I can only remember one joke, and it isn't even very funny - but my enthusiasm for knowing at least one joke, that in itself is hilarious