Date men from United States / Alaska / Pelican, 49 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I am pretty good with words, but they seem to fail me now. I am writing to one lovely woman who I do not yet know, but these words will read by many and brushed aside carelessly by all except one. It's like writing a book that sells a million copies, but only one person thinks it is any good. If you are that one, read on.
I love the outdoors, fresh air, and enjoying both while working up a sweat running, biking or hiking a tall mountain. I also love quiet times sitting quietly looking at the ocean a a beautiful view. I love to travel, teaching allows for great vacations. Upcoming plans include Mexico, New Zealand, and cruising the Inside Passage next summer. Dang, Europe sounds good, too.
The woman I am interested in meeting would have similar interests and feel that the making of dreams come true is one of the greatest parts of living. That a smile is way more important than anything else and that a happy heart is the greatest key to successful living.
First dates can be tough, so taking it slow is always best. Easy conversation and doing something that we both honestly share an interest in is perfect.
I hope that this is a good first chapter to OUR story. If you want to read more, write me.